"Movie of the Week"


Full Member
Oct 26, 2004
From the 1970s.

I was just reading about it on Wiki and I wouldn't mind seeing the concept re-launched again. Lots of duds but some real gems made eg:

Duel (Spielberg)
The Night Stalker
Trilogy of Terror
Dark Night Of The Scarecrow
Bad Ronald
Salem's Lot
...and probably a lot more. Dealt with all kinds of subject matter like detective, espionage, horror, sci-fi, social eg rape etc.

Launched series like:
The Six Million Dollar Man
Starsky and Hutch
Marcus Welby, M.D.
Wonder Woman

It was a good launch pad for young directors and an opportunity to air stories that wouldn't see the light of day in the cinemas.
This goes back to the days before cable, satellite TV, and the internet. Even before home systems like the VCR were in most if any homes. You either saw movies at the theater or waited for them to show up on one of the 3 or 4 TV stations you had.

So this was actually pretty big back in the day. In today's TV landscape you do have networks that are still having movies made for them (Lifetime, USA, TNT, Sci-Fi) so the concept lives on.