Movie DL Suggestions?

Jan 18, 2009
No longer on the caf.
Can anyone recommend a movie to download? Something recent and funny preferably? Thanks...

DISCLAIMER: Just because I'm looking for recommendations on a film to download, doesn't mean I intend to download said movie, or indeed condone such rotten, illegal behaviour. It's for a friend.
Debbie Does Dallas. That will be good film for you to watch with your ahem "friend"
assuming friend is a euphemism for your penis
You'll get more replies using the Movie Review thread.
Funny in what way?

The Terminal was on the Spanish TV before and it's quite humorous in a mild dort of way, and Miss Zeta-Jones always did give me a hard on, so all is good. Never watched it in English.
Machete came out last year (I think) and that made me chuckle. Also Jessica Alba is in it looking hotter than the sun.

Also Bridesmaids and Horrible Bosses were enjoyable enough. Pretty shit year for funny films I tihnk.
Yeah, Bridesmaids was ok actually. Not seen Horrible Bosses.

Bugger all else was funny last year. Apart from 'The Trip' although technically it's just a movie made from a tv series. And you'd be better off watching that.
Horrible Bosses was terrible really...well the support was ok, but all three of the leads ruined it.