MotM Threads

B Cantona

Nov 28, 2006
Hated, Adored, Never Ignored

I'm in the mood for a sulk. Sick of reading through the MotM thread, and people can't stick to formula. Just list your names, one two three, and get out of there again. Anything else doesn't belong in there. 'Special mentions' get on my nerves too. Mods, I urge you to edit posts so anything else posted is stripped out. People hate having their contributions wiped, they'd soon stop
I've never bothered with them threads, who gives a feck who people thought was MoM?

I don't think anyone cares who other people think was MoM. But everyone seems to think that their own opinion on MoM is valued by others, hence all the posts.
I don't think anyone cares who other people think was MoM. But everyone seems to think that their own opinion on MoM is valued by others, hence all the posts.

very true, I've started when I feel bothered to post in the motm thread to quote someone with the same opinion as myself and just say "same as"

nobody gives a flying feck what anyone else thinks in there.
I've never bothered with them threads, who gives a feck who people thought was MoM?

I think its interesting looking at the statistics when Green Demon collates the results, I'm often left suprised by how often certain players figure highly due to consistancy. Think it's good that this place generates its own statistical contribution