

my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
I'm going to buy a 2500K and need a suitable motherboard. I went out and stupidly (it's been years since I built my PC, and I've always been good with components apart from motherboards since they are usually called the Asus Q346236GREH363456-Z or whatever and I forget what's what) bought a bundle which came with a shite motherboard that was tiny and my components wouldn't fit in. Thankfully I got rid of the bundle on Ebay for more than I paid for it so it's round 2 and time to buy another but will buy them separate this time.

So what motherboards support a 2500K that are suitable for gaming? I don't want the most expensive, just one that will do to support 4GB RAM, a Nvidia card and the 2500K.

I currently have the Striker II Formula with a Q9550 but from what I've seen I can't put a 2500K in there, and even if I could have heard you never put a new processor in an old mobo and vice versa.
That Asus one the 3rd one down is the one I just bought and resold, none of my components fit in it, the RAM wouldn't go in, it didn't have some of the slots I needed to plug my hard drive in, and the board itself was half the size of my Striker II. I'm completely lost with mobos.