More PM Space?

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Your not that popular :smirk:

Just delete some of the old ones you don't need, that's what I do.
Fine as it is, just clear out your sent one's often, and that free's it up without losing your inbox...
Become an admin or mod and you'll have unlimited space.

Otherwise there's no chance of you getting your wish granted.
I was only joking about the unlimited space, I was just wondering whether or not it could be upped.

Well Niall created the limit for a reason, and if he then upped your limit, then most on here would come begging for their limit to be raised as well.

But he'd probably give you unlimited if you donated.

At the bottom, there's "Download all Private Messages as:" followed by 3 links. Click one, and save it, then empty your PM box.

On the other hand, on another forum, I currently have 1,066 messages out of 5,000 allowed, so perhaps it's not generous enough.

5,000 would be adequate.

Well Niall created the limit for a reason, and if he then upped your limit, then most on here would come begging for their limit to be raised as well.

Yes but I donate once a month to this place, therefore I think I should get a little tiny increase in my PM limit.

If it of course is not too much to ask please Mr Niall.
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