
Count Duckula

New Member
Feb 16, 2007
Tali'Zorah vas Normandy.
Wonderful film. I'd heard nothing about this; no adverts, no television time, no people talking about it. Only reason I went to see it is because one of my friends dragged us along having been told how good it was by his office feck-buddy. It wasn't even on in most of our local cinemas - we finally found it in the Bluewater cinema on a really tiny screen there.

But it was brilliant. I think it classifies as an indie film, even though it had a £5million budget, and it did well at the film festivals. It's not particularly fast-paced - despite being called a "thriller" - but it's very cerebral and excellently made. The lead actor, Sam Rockwell, does an outstanding job, particularly given the circumstances of the part (I won't spoil anything), and Kevin Spacey is perfect as GERTY, his computer aide. Spacey loves doing these British indie and theatre things, doesn't he?

So if you're looking for a film to watch and none of the current crop grab your eye, see which local cinemas are showing "Moon" and give it a watch. You won't regret it!
Heard a lot on radio 5 about it, not convinced that it's worth a trip to the cinema yet though. Might Orange Wednesday it tomorrow mind..
Definitely on my 'To Watch' list. Doubt it'll make it too theatres in my part of the world so I guess I'll just have to wait for the DVD or download it tonight, whichever is faster. :D
Heard a lot on radio 5 about it, not convinced that it's worth a trip to the cinema yet though. Might Orange Wednesday it tomorrow mind..

Well if you don't mind things that require more than a little thought (and it really isn't that intellectually intensive!) then you'll like it. I thought it was absolutely oustanding; my favourite film of the year so far, and I've seen almost all of the blockbusters except the Hangover and Harry Potter.
I want to see it so badly, I've heard great things and Sam Rockwell is a favorite of mine
saw it tuesday. really excellent movie. rockwell is brilliant. sets a bit dodgy but ye forget that pretty quickly. great music. just shows again that you dont need huge budgets to tell a great story well
Finally opened this weekend on a single arthouse screen in Singapore but definitely worth the wait. An excellent film, a real throwback to old fashioned sci-fi movies that rely on a good simple story premise rather than using flash computer graphics and stomach turning noise levels to cover up the lack of a plot. Duncan Jones has made a cult classic here which reminded me of the claustrophobia of the original Alien film and knocked the over arty 2001 for six. Sam Rockwell deserves serious recognition for carrying a fascinating film almost single handed.
Yes, watched it recently and was pleasently suprised by how good it was.
its directed by david bowies son, duncan jones. the movie oddly enough is also eerily similar to the song space oddity too
I enjoyed it a lot.

obviously very inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey, but who cares really.

Can't believe it was a straight to DVD release around here.
Very good film, Sam Rockwell does a hell of a job and you wouldn't guess it was made on a shoestring. Although the bits on the Moon's surface are very thunderbirds.
fecking yes! Great show. The soundtrack is awesome too, same guy who did the Requiem For a Dream soundtrack.
I have it on Blu Ray and its say collecting dust. The brief film description on the back sounds rather dull... please tell me it isn't and I may sit down and watch it Friday.
It's a great film, will certainly have a cult following in years to come.
Probably doesn't even know we have spoiler tags.