Moon Soundtrack - Clint Mansell

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It's a bit god damn special isn't it? I watched the film again yesterday, forgotten just how brilliant the OST is. If anyone wants a download link PM or ask me here.

Absolutely fantastic film. It's a sci-fi/cult classic. I loved the themes throughout and it really makes you think about existence and the nature of individuality.
PS. Hectic, is the link for the sound-track or the full film?

I'd like the link for the sound-track if that's what you have.
It's a bit god damn special isn't it? I watched the film again yesterday, forgotten just how brilliant the OST is. If anyone wants a download link PM or ask me here.

Yes please !
I always thought it very odd that Mansell's music from Requiem For A Dream started being used on Sky Sports and just about every other programme ever made three or four years ago.

Having said that, when I worked in HMV, we'd get people coming down from the BBC to buy music for their soundtracks and it's always be the same. They must have had a dozen copies of the American Beauty and Royal Tennenbaums OSTs knocking about in varois offices in the Oxford Road building and it showed just by watching the BBC for a couple of hours. Unnoriginal, lazy cnuts.
Amazing film, awesome soundtrack.
Links for both the movie and soundtrack, specify which one you want.

Watched it again yesterday. Enjoyed it even more, definitely up there for me.
Guys, if you enjoyed Mansell's talents, check this out. It's Hybrids Finished Symphony, but without the electro bits, it's just the strings. Truly exceptional music.

Guys, if you enjoyed Mansell's talents, check this out. It's Hybrids Finished Symphony, but without the electro bits, it's just the strings. Truly exceptional music.

Pretty remarkable, the first couple of notes reminded me of Air on a G String and then bam, it reveals itself with floating notes. I didn't really expect it to continually rise in quality throughout the piece but from 2:10 in that video it gets even better. I like the emotive nature of this piece, in the sense that it's always delivering a feeling - content, happy, slightly sad.

I just started downloading before I clicked this thread.

what you reckon? I like it

"Selene is a five track EP inspired by the 2009 sci-fi movie Moon, written and directed by Duncan Jones.
Using samples from the film's original score (written by Clint Mansell), Brooklyn rap artist Richard Rich
and Manhattan DJ/producer Max Tannone team up to explore themes like isolation, separation, self-realization, and cloning."
what you reckon? I like it

"Selene is a five track EP inspired by the 2009 sci-fi movie Moon, written and directed by Duncan Jones.
Using samples from the film's original score (written by Clint Mansell), Brooklyn rap artist Richard Rich
and Manhattan DJ/producer Max Tannone team up to explore themes like isolation, separation, self-realization, and cloning."
It's decent. I prefer the original score with no rapping over it though.

Only just realized Clint did the score to The Fountain. Another movie with a great soundtrack. He's a bit talented that Clint.