Monkey Island

Deleted 20801

My all-time favorite game. Nothing beats this, nothing.



Remember the spit contest? LeChuck?

Grim Fandango was also a brilliant game.
They can't think of puzzle's like them anymore, quality games, quality series.
Good old Guybrush.

Just posted about Monkey Island in the Indiana Jones thread and then I saw this.

Loved all the Monkey Island games, think the last one I played was on PS2, brilliant game. I actually really wanna play it now
Maniac Mansion, Day Of The Tentacle, Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Simon The Sorcerer, Heimdal, Goblins, Larry, Police Quest, Discworld... good times, good old times.

Not many quality adventure games, today.
what about Zak McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders


anyone remember the 2 headed squirrel

another great game was

No. But I did buy 1 and 2 again on PSN. I had forgotten how utterly ridiculous some of the puzzles are.
Flight of the Amazon Queen and the Indian Jones one were brilliant point and click games too.

But lest we forget the best one of all time: Simon the Sorcerer.
Very timely bump! I had a dream that involved The Curse of Monkey Island last week.

That bit in the theatre with those actorrrs rehearsing a scene from Hamlet.
Very timely bump! I had a dream that involved The Curse of Monkey Island last week.

That bit in the theatre with those actorrrs rehearsing a scene from Hamlet.

Yeah! I'd totally forgotten that scene, he's holding the skull isn't he?
Great games. I remember another point-and-click game called Toonstruck, with Christopher Lloyd. Wasn't the most successful game commercially, but was pretty good from what I remember. Broken Sword was my favourite point-and-click though.