
Not sure who banned him but a bit of txt speak and wishing that the Glazer's die in you first post suggests a WUM to most mods.

I'll unban him since you know him.
Ah yes, I'l raise my hand to banning him.

It was the mentioning of wanting to have someone dead that done it.
Wibble said:
Not sure who banned him but a bit of txt speak and wishing that the Glazer's die in you first post suggests a WUM to most mods.

I'll unban him since you know him.

Nice one...

He actually knows 26 and that lot better than me...

No offence though, but he was only writing the words to the song sung at OT...which I myself have sung numerous have a lot of people on here probably...

Like I say, I'm not having a pop or nowt...
yaps said:
Ah yes, I'l raise my hand to banning him.

It was the mentioning of wanting to have someone dead that done it.

And it was me wot told Yaps. Threats of violence don't do anything for the reputation of the site.

Instruct him in the use of smilies Andy. :)