

Conspiracy Buff
Sep 24, 2005
Can we start banning people for moaning about not signing anyone please, they're wasting webspace that'd be better used for pics of wanking monkeys, thanks in advance.
Can we demote 82Redballoons also please ? He is obviously about 6 years old.
we'll just wait until the transfer window closes and then they'll probably commit mass suicide, problem solved
Reapersoul20 said:
Can we demote 82Redballoons also please ? He is obviously about 6 years old.

My man, I couldn't agree more.

Demote 82RedBalloons.
You mods are too soft.

Weaste live up to your reputation - ban 82RedBalloons!
golden_blunder said:
yes but it will have get in the to-do list

Have you promoted that poster yet? I bet you haven't. i know i should have pm'd weaste. He would have been more open to my idea for locking noodle in the newbies as well.
Can you ban all the scousers and non reds?They are taking up bandwidth with the shit they spout, it seems a shame that Reds cant get on here and post because the boards slowed up due to high usage, let non reds go and clog up their own clubs forums
Guvnorgaz said:
Can you ban all the scousers and non reds?They are taking up bandwidth with the shit they spout, it seems a shame that Reds cant get on here and post because the boards slowed up due to high usage, let non reds go and clog up their own clubs forums
absolutely atleast all scousers should be banned .
Isn't the fact being a scouser a banable offence here.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: