Modern Warfare 2 on PS3 - hacked?


Its Baltic!
Oct 20, 2006
Just turned it on, went on multiplayer (I was on the fifth prestige, level 20 or something like that), free for all- next thing I notice I'm being shot by invisible players. At least two of them. So I just left the game only to notice that my level progression changed, it's now on 70.

Plus I had 10 killstreaks to unlock, plus when I go to create a class it comes with seven differently colured 'NGU' classes. What the fuk just happened??
There was something on the news yesterday about CoD being hacked and preventing people from going online. Some bloke got arrested over it, not sure about the details though.
It's obviously been done off a jail broken PS3, that game wasn't compiled with 3.50 SDK.

But how did I get 'involved' in this? It's a UK game, so when I went into multilpayer did I start playing with some extra-regional players which in return affected my game?! (sorry if the question doesnt make sense)
Wow, I never thought it would come this far on a PlayStation but Im officialy playing against invisible players.
Somebody was using Akimbo Desert Eagles and simply shooting through the map, buildings etc at people and killing them. From the opposite spawn point.
I don't understand the point of this 'hacking games' business. So you might rack up a crazy number of kills and no deaths and you might be able to instantly get to prestige 10 or whatever, but when you've just done it by coding in some cheat then what's the point? You've not achieved anything, you could have done all that but been absolutely shit at the game.
I don't understand the point of this 'hacking games' business. So you might rack up a crazy number of kills and no deaths and you might be able to instantly get to prestige 10 or whatever, but when you've just done it by coding in some cheat then what's the point? You've not achieved anything, you could have done all that but been absolutely shit at the game.

It is faggotry.
You've got yourself into a public prestige lobby. Did it not come up with any kind of mod menu at the start of the game?
I don't understand the point of this 'hacking games' business. So you might rack up a crazy number of kills and no deaths and you might be able to instantly get to prestige 10 or whatever, but when you've just done it by coding in some cheat then what's the point? You've not achieved anything, you could have done all that but been absolutely shit at the game.

I guess it's the same reason why anyone hacks anything; just to prove they can.
You've got yourself into a public prestige lobby. Did it not come up with any kind of mod menu at the start of the game?

Yes it did actually. There was a lot of flicking through different menues, unfortunately I couldnt read any of it because it was too quick but I managed to see something like God mode, or God level, something like this. How did I get into this in the first place?
I don't understand the point of this 'hacking games' business. So you might rack up a crazy number of kills and no deaths and you might be able to instantly get to prestige 10 or whatever, but when you've just done it by coding in some cheat then what's the point? You've not achieved anything, you could have done all that but been absolutely shit at the game.

People cheat at champo. Humans are weak
Yes it did actually. There was a lot of flicking through different menues, unfortunately I couldnt read any of it because it was too quick but I managed to see something like God mode, or God level, something like this. How did I get into this in the first place?

Someone will have been hosting it publicly and you were just put into it at random. God mode, means you can't be killed.
My Dad plays this quite a lot, and two nights ago (or it may have been three) he must've got into a hacked lobby. He finished a match to find he was suddenly level 70 with every weapon and emblem unlocked. He prestiged but saw that everything seemed to stay unlocked so he's since started a new profile and started all over again as it just took all the fun out of things. Understandably pissed seeing as he was 2nd prestige level 69, which took him a hell of a long time considering he's not a very good player.

There's some real dickheads out there.
I don't understand the point of this 'hacking games' business. So you might rack up a crazy number of kills and no deaths and you might be able to instantly get to prestige 10 or whatever, but when you've just done it by coding in some cheat then what's the point? You've not achieved anything, you could have done all that but been absolutely shit at the game.

To get girls. I hear they really love this stuff.