Modern pop music


There are no words
Aug 24, 2010
Froggle Rock
I mean obviously it's massively shit. But is it? Yes. No but really. Go to any club this week and you will see that people love the pop music of today. Always have always will. The question is, is pop music shitter than it was 20-30 years ago?

Pop music today is horrific no doubt, but I have a feeling that every generation has felt the same about their music for the last 30 years. The 80s was cheesy shite on the whole, and nowadays we love it for it, but was it despised at the time by people who had an interest in music? What I want to know is in thirty years time, will people talk about Lady Gaga and Rihanna as the good old days whilst denouncing the new pop music?
The thing about the 80's is that a lot of people were doing things with regards to music and image for the first time in a mainstream sense.

Today's music is a rehash of that which has gone before it or they are just copying each other.

Take Madonna, sprinkle in a David Guetta produced track, scantily clad video with awkard jerky dance moves that aren't too dissimilar to what you would find in a koRn video.

It's selective. People remember the good and forget the bad. For every Smiths you have a hundred bands of cheesy shite as you put it.
Using the 80's as an example shows how shit pop music has become. Despite some of the dire 80s crap there was also more than a smattering of really good music in the charts on a regular basis.
I loathe modern pop music. Detest it. Words really do fail me when trying to describe just how shit it is.

Back in the 80's etc you would get some originality, some actual quality in the vocals and some good tracks. When i was about 8 I used to love Take That, but now its just the same old crap, with about 20 backing tracks and chorus singers and very little actual talent on the part of the singer.
Every Saturday, there's this show on the radio that plays the Billboard top 40 of the 80s/70s. The amount of utter dross on there would surprise you. For every classic Springsteen song, you get ten rubbish, cringe worthy nobodies.
Today it's even more about image I think. You can be any old tosser. These pop idol etc shows are killer. They make cowell out to be a genius, but stars in your eyes was there before him. Him and his like are cnuts convincing every singer they can be a's just bullshit. I'm sick of the number of shows we get fed. I'm sick of Jedward. All these people can **** off.
Every Saturday, there's this show on the radio that plays the Billboard top 40 of the 80s/70s. The amount of utter dross on there would surprise you. For every classic Springsteen song, you get ten rubbish, cringe worthy nobodies.

sure they'll always be nobodies but these days there are even more of them!! :(
I remember the 80's summer No. 1 usually being some European club anthem of the day. Sabrina springs to mind!! There was some good music back then though, usually in soft rock but I did have a penchant for the cheery pop song ala Five Star and Debbie Gibson.

The Sugarcubes came through in the 80's, Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet etc. Its just a shame that towards the end, Stock Aitken and Waterman ruled the roost.
Who the feck likes 80's pop.

Anybody with any semblance of musical taste knows the 80's mainstream was an abomination!