MLB agrees on steroid testing


New Member
Aug 4, 2004
Animal House
From beeb:

MLB agrees on steroid testing

Major League Baseball players and owners have agreed on a tougher anti-doping programme for the sport.
The new regime includes penalties for first-time offenders, expanding the number of banned substances and random, year-round checks.

The move is a response to a series of allegations that hit baseball in 2004.

Baseball stars Barry Bonds and Jason Giambi are both caught up in the Balco steroid scandal that has rocked the American sports world.

"We have agreed on a new, much-tougher drug-testing programme that is designed to rid the game of performance-enhancing drugs," MLB commissioner Bud Selig said.

"I have been saying for some time that my goal for this industry is zero tolerance regarding steroids.

"This agreement is an important step towards achieving that goal. We are acting to help restore the confidence of our fans in our great game."

A first positive test for a steroid would result in a suspension of up to 10 days, a second positive test a 30-day ban, a third positive a 60-day penalty, and a fourth positive test a one-year ban.

Under the previous regime agreed in 2002, a first positive test resulted only in treatment, and a second positive test was subject to a 15-day suspension. Only with a fifth positive test was a player subject to a one-year ban.

In addition to one mandatory test for every player each season, players will randomly be selected for additional tests, with no maximum. Players will also be randomly selected for testing during the off-season.

Human growth hormone, the substance at the heart of the Balco scandal, was added to the list of banned substances, which includes steroids and diuretics.

The new sanctions fall short of World Anti-Doping Agency guidelines where offenders are banned for two years on a first positive test then banned for life after a second, though both MLB and the players' union defended the new policy.

"Our goal was to come up with something that we believe will take care of the issue and solve it," said players' union head Don Fehr.

"The object is to stop it, not to penalise for the sake of penalising.

"With the enhanced testing and enhanced disciplinary levels, I will be very surprised if this doesn't take care of the problem."

There's no way this will solve the problem.

The baseball doping system is so cprrupt, I guarantee players will end up getting tip offs about tests and such.

As a child I truly loved baseball. I still support the Atlanta Braves.

But the game is not what it was when I was growing up. Kids when I was gorwing up had a deep and abiding respect for the great history and tradition in the game. Now there's no point in telling the stories of the great players of the past to the kids, as they see all the old records fall to a bunch of doped up, breast growing cheaters.

I think it's sick.
1st test = 10 day suspension
2nd test= 30 day suspension
3rd test= 60 day suspension
4th test= 1 year suspension
5th test= goes to commisioner

And they're not doing any bloodtesting, it's all urinalysis, meaning they won't catch some of the nastiest of the newer designer steriods.

This thing is even more bullshit than I thought.

Baseball has no credibility at all.

You wonder why there are an increasing number of Yanks at the United forum? It's because our sports are being destroyed domestically, and we're forced to look abroad for actually decent fair games that are entertaining and not just a bunch of thugs or dope takers.
The new program will help, but the dopers always seem to be a step ahead of the testers. And they still won't find substances that are naturally in the human body, like HGH (human growth hormone).
jasonrh said:
1st test = 10 day suspension
2nd test= 30 day suspension
3rd test= 60 day suspension
4th test= 1 year suspension
5th test= goes to commisioner

And they're not doing any bloodtesting, it's all urinalysis, meaning they won't catch some of the nastiest of the newer designer steriods.

This thing is even more bullshit than I thought.

Baseball has no credibility at all.

You wonder why there are an increasing number of Yanks at the United forum? It's because our sports are being destroyed domestically, and we're forced to look abroad for actually decent fair games that are entertaining and not just a bunch of thugs or dope takers.
It's a total joke. These penalties have no teeth at all and can hardly be called deterrents. I don't think MLB helped its credibility at all with this agreement.
jasonrh said:
1st test = 10 day suspension
2nd test= 30 day suspension
3rd test= 60 day suspension
4th test= 1 year suspension
5th test= goes to commisioner
these penalties are a joke when compared to those handed down by the WADA which sees a 2 year ban for getting caught the FIRST time.
Victor Conte owner of BALCO (a California lab) said "It's like taking candy from a baby" during his infamous 20/20 interview on ABC.!!! it's true....
and now the NHL wanna learn from this shit...
can't they just concentrate on the salary cap first?