Miss Dangerous' tagline


Cnut Rating: 9 (Conservative)
Apr 27, 2006
Distracting, annoying and just plain fecking shite.

Please sort it out.

That is all.
She supports every major team in Europe

Do a search
To be honest, I think she's more annoying then the tagline, surely banning her will kill two birds with one stone .
To be honest, I think she's more annoying then the tagline, surely banning her will kill two birds with one stone .

Bit harsh, but if it means I don't have to see that tagline again then fine.

As well Jopub's avatar frightens me, I've been having nightmares about it
Distracting, annoying and just plain fecking shite.

Please sort it out.

That is all.
Just like her which is how she got it. Now if only we had a font for whining gits you'd be sorted too.

I wouldn't worry about it anyway, since she got the onbnoxious tagline she's taken the hint and fecked off along with her nauseatingly colourful and multifonted cut and paste posts. The only reason she appeared to show up yesterday was because someone bumped an ancient thread.

edit: I see now that she did actually reappear but not before some numpty had resurrected a few old threads with her posts in them. She must watch the forum to see whether we're missing her.
nice one mate :lol:

as for this banning talk she's done nowt to deserve it - you don't like her or her posts use the ignore function then ffs :mad:

Never wanted her banned, just that annoying tagline :rolleyes: got rid of.
you're tagline - wtf - have you been betting familiar with Miss D and caught summat from her ? ;)

ps wasn't meaning you about the banning

Yeah she gave me 10-1 that I couldn't find her clit, couldn't resist those odds :D