Million Pound Drop on Channel 4 (I think)

Talking Vulture

He's shit, move on.
Dec 9, 2009
In with the Leeds scum
This was on last night and a good mate of my was on. I missed it because he kept it fecking quiet - anyway, the silly twat lost 600k on one question. He's back on tonight and stands to win 400k. Not bad for a couple of nights work.

His name is Dan and if anyone posts on Fred Tissue, he's known as toseeunited.

He has a gay as feck haircut so make sure you tune in and will him to lose the other 400k
I very much doubt he'll win £400k

Infact, I very much doubt he'll win anything after blowing £600k on one question. I've only seen one couple win anything and that was £25k out of £1mil
:lol: You sound like a good mate. What time?

We are good mates. Of course I want him to win but he'll get all flash with his new found wealth and my get some more highlights in his hair and try to buy cocktails with umbrellas in the Tollgate.

It's for the best that he walks away with nothing.
Is this plonker who didn't know Santa Cruz was a place?
Its not tracy, its stacy, and shes hot :drool:

He must have a great sense of humour, shes obviously not with him for his brains or dress sense, that cardigan is hilarious
She got the right answer and he ignored her....when you think about it there had to be more railways.
Gutted for Dan. He's a top guy though but he will be getting the piss ripped out of him big time when I see him on Boxing Day.

I posted on his facebook wall this morning. Look out for Planes,Trains & Automobiles on the telly this xmas. It's a cracking film.

100k down the shitter on that question, fecking hell fire. And there consolation prize? Lunch on a fecking train!!! You can't make this shit up! What would it have been if they picked 'B'? Lunch in all the service stations on the M1? Cruel
Just spoke to him. He's proper gutted because he knows what a thick bastard he must look. He said it will haunt him for the rest of his life. Not losing the money,wearing that cardigan

He's in good spirits though. For a giggle, pop over to fred tissue and look at the thread dedicated to him. It's a right giggle