Mike Phelan signed a contract extension in late 2021


Oct 21, 2007

It is indeed a show of support for Ole, as the club would be throwing money down the rain if they had any intention of sacking ole and his team.
Stealing a living like the rest of them.
Wasn’t Phelan United’s appointment rather than Solskjaer’s?

I think United want him on the staff regardless of who the manager is
I see the football experts are already posting.

Deftly done in my opinion. Public show of support, without a large financial commitment - whilst still placing a degree of pressure on Ole.

Also sacking him was one of Moyes biggest mistake
In the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter, if results and performances don't improve we know whats coming next.
Show of support. It’s good because that is what is needed when things are tough going.

Would be nice if the fanbase showed some support, at the end of the day he’s not going anywhere until the end of the season at the earliest. That’s what he deserves and it’s what he’s getting.

We’re not missing out on an extraordinary replacement right now anyway. Let’s get behind them and the team.
Predictably depressing at United Plc.
This thread will start off badly and go down hill really quickly and for that reason I’m out.
Any manager and their staff given a feck ton of money and enough time will find success eventually...you would hope... maybe...possibly....potentially...there is a chance right! Go team!
Any manager and their staff given a feck ton of money and enough time will find success eventually...you would hope... maybe...possibly....potentially...there is a chance right! Go team!

Anyone would think we didn't finish 2nd last year.....
Quality control
If anything could be worse than giving Ole the new contract, this is it. Sign up every numpty in the coaching staff and give every useless player in our ranks a new 200k per week contract so we burden ourselves with deadweight all around the club, not just the dressing room. Astute as always from the Disneyland board of clowns.
Doesn't really bother me. I don't think Phelan or Carrick or McKenna leaving will have some kind of inflow of top coaches dying to play second fiddle to Ole.

And when Ole goes, all these coaching staff would anyway be forced to go.
What's the point of this really ? What did he do to deserve such extension ?
Contracts mean shit. Remember when Liverpool brought in Sean O’Driscoll and Gary McAllister to help Brendan Rodgers at Liverpool? Boy what a great long term relationship that was.

Maybe he’s getting a role upstairs anyway?
Doesn't really bother me. I don't think Phelan or Carrick or McKenna leaving will have some kind of inflow of top coaches dying to play second fiddle to Ole.

And when Ole goes, all these coaching staff would anyway be forced to go.
Sick of this absolute disrespect to the manager of the club you're supposed to support. Like you're almost wishing, or begging for it at this point.
Very strange. If our next two to 3 results don't go our way we will be in a dire situation.
The big 12 match line up has started with a scraped win and a lucky to not lose draw. Leicester look shit right now so maybe we'll do something there.

After that I could easily see Phelans contract looking short lived!

06-NovMan CityHPL
Doesn’t really change the calculus. If the team does well Ole and his team will stay, if not they’ll go.
Sick of this absolute disrespect to the manager of the club you're supposed to support. Like you're almost wishing, or begging for it at this point.

Are you not just reflecting your own insecurity about the manager on this post?

Its not my post but if I'm honest I expect Ole to be fired eventually.

I want him to do well and to be proven wrong but there is nothing that convinced me he is a good enough manager or will be.

We have a great team and play terribly for instance.

So if I'm to guess Ole gets sacked in the next 18 months. Do I want him to do bad and for us to have to sack him? No I don't. It's simply what I think will happen because he isn't even the 4th best manager in the league.

Nothing in the post you quoted implies that the poster wish us to do bad or wishes for Ole to get fired. His post just states that is what he thinks will happen.

Your are miscontruding support with an opinion on what someone thinks will happen.

To support the team isn't to bury one's head in the sand!!
So when our coaches aren't performing well or up to standard we reward them.

No wonder they're all smiles all the time
Too late to award our other real manager a new contract.
Come back to me when he’s agreed a shorts extension.