Michael Cera


Can definitely write definitely correctly
Sep 11, 2004
Well there was a thread about that Shia guy, so why not a thread on another talented young actor. Most of you now him from Arrested Development where he played George Michael and know stars in Superbad. I think hes terrific, but maybe not as versatile as Shia but a better comic actor.
After watching Arrested Development I like him
Does he not annoy anyone else? He just annoys me with his dullness and boringness. He seems to play the same roles in all his films to tbh.

I first saw him playing George Michael in Arrested Development, it seems he's been playing the same character with different names ever since.
Well there was a thread about that Shia guy, so why not a thread on another talented young actor.

>implying both are talented.

Scott Pilgrim was fun, but not really because of Cera.
>implying both are talented.

Scott Pilgrim was fun, but not really because of Cera.

>implying Michael Cera isn't the most talented young actor in hollywood today.

I like his character (he's only got one). Loved Scott Pilgrim (not so much because of him, just because of its general awesomeness) and thought Youth In Revolt was one of the funnier movies I'd seen in quite some time when I saw it.

Always thought it would've been interesting to see him work with Wes Anderson, as he seems tailor made for his universes, but most likely with a little more depth than most of the characters he normally does.
>implying Michael Cera isn't the most talented young actor in hollywood today.


so yes, he's pretty one dimensional and there for not that great an actor. But he was in AD so I'll always like him.
I like him. He's a funny guy. He's very funny outside of his roles. Seen him in two documentaries. Couple of skits. He's mastered the role he plays generally. If you want that role in a movie there's no one better.
Morgan Freeman has a lot better range than Michael Cera and a greater presence. Morgan Freeman can show loads of emotions, Michael Cera can only do awkward, very well I might add.

That being said I never called Morgan Freeman a great actor, he might be though, and I like Michael Cera he usually makes me laugh, but a great actor he's not. Jesse Eisenberg is also great in this role.
Michael Cera can't only do awkward. He can do funny. He is a very funny dude. And comedy is one of the hardest bits of acting.

He was good in Juno. Wasn't awkward in Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist. Played a regular joe in a band in New York.

He's very good at acting a believable normal human being. Someone without many issues. And comes off likable doing it.

Try watch Paper Heart. An alright flick. Made out to be a documentary, which is mostly is, but he is scripted in it as himself.

It's only about 7 movies he's been in. I don't mind a character as long as it works.
I quite like him, he's made me laugh on many occasions. Is he a great actor? Time will tell. So far he's been heavily typecast, but there are scattered hints of a bit of range.
What's that movie where Michael Cera plays a socially awkward teen who eventually gets past that awkwardness and gets the girl?

Any film he's been in mate...

feckin irritating these rise of the nerd actors doin the rounds, wimps dont get the hot-chicks in real life, so Hollywood should stop pretending they do..

Here's another extremely annoying nerdbag that i wanna strangle - Jesse Eisenberg from Zombieland:

Jesse Eisenberg can probably play Michael Cera better than Michael Cera does.


Any film he's been in mate...

feckin irritating these rise of the nerd actors doin the rounds, wimps dont get the hot-chicks in real life, so Hollywood should stop pretending they do..

Here's another extremely annoying nerdbag that i wanna strangle - Jesse Eisenberg from Zombieland:


He's a much better actor than Cera though, so he's alright.

He's a much better actor than Cera though, so he's alright.

Did my napper in Zombieland, just wished he wasnt in the film. Me & the missus just turned off the flick as we'd run out of constraint. Cant stand that type of feeble nerd profile acting, does my head in. I enjoyed superbad etc, but i've had my fill of the new line..