He has a slight point - Which of the current kids will make it in the first team at united? Although he makes a gimp of himself.
I think we have quite a few reserves that will go onto become great squad players and not first team stars. Rossi would be a certainty but he'll never get in the team with Rooney here. Bardsley and Martin dont seem to be fulfilling their promise like Eagles also. Flecher and O'Shea looked a different class at reserve level and have struggled although Fletch is finally 1st team quality now. I doubt dave Jones will make the first team. That Chinese guy at Antwerp looks great and he will arrive at christmas but he will struggle also to make it but im sure will score a few when give a chance and sell a few shirts while at it.
Rithie Jones looks decent. I dunno, Richardson and dave Jones seemed more promising then any of the current bunch bar Rossi and they look completely out of sorts now.
Arsenal have a certain prodigy in Walcott to look forward to among others and have promising reserve players but when the uefa ruling on foreigners comes in then Arsenal will be screwed in the ass Freedie ljungberg and Ashley cole style.Yipeeeeeeeeee