Men at Work - Down Under

At the start of the Down Under extract you can hear the flute and it is exactly the same. You have to wonder how detailed they get, though - that's a single riff in an otherwise unrelated song. I heard a song the other day that starts exactly the same way as Baba O'Riley, but the rest of it was completely different. Could they be sued by The Who?
Somebody noticed an oppurtunity for some money making.
If they ripped off the tune then they need to pay. But 60%? That's the lawyer speaking and he's started the negotiations at 60. Probably end up at 10-20% or so...
so I suppose the question is: what's fair? should it be based on the % of time that riff takes up in the entire song?
Someone jokingly mentioned the similarity on a music quiz show a few years ago. The new owners of the copyright heard about it and saw a chance to make a quick buck or a few million. The writer of the allegedly infringed song is now dead but she heard the song and it never occurred to her that there was any plagiarism.

I'd expect an appeal and I wouldn't be surprised if the appeal was successful.
The song also refers to the popular Australian food spread Vegemite.
"I said 'Do you speak my language?', he just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich," says an Australian traveller in Brussels.

Obviously they needed some filler.