Melodic Death Metal Bands


New Member
Apr 23, 2006
I was never a big fan of metal or hard rock really but since the last few months I have somehow started to like it.Mostly Melodic metal bands like Children of Bodom.

Can someone please suggest me a few other Melodic Death Metal bands?
Amon Amarth, Dark Tranquality, Runic...

In Flames - "Whoracle", "Colony", "Jester Race".
The ultimate death-metal band is Opeth. I got all their albums and it is seriously something else, what an amazing band!

some death metal bands that are not as well known:

evocation, miseration

and of course another classic that hasnt been mentioned: dissection.

nothing beats at the gates though...slaughter of the soul is still by far the best album in the death metal genre.
Well,Thanks people!

I have suddenly started to love metal for some reason.
If your starting to like your metal then you can always branch out as well.

Some modern good albums to get are....

Throwdown - Haymaker
Bleeding Through - This is love, this is murderous.
Job For A Cowboy - Doom
Hatebreed - Supremecy or The Rise Of Brutality

And other random cnut bands to check out.

The Devil Wears Prada
War From A Harlots Mouth
Bring Me The Horizon
its because its the best form of music out there, just not easy to get into for beginners.

another unknown band you might like: in slumber...technically perfect melodic death metal from austria.
I suppose.

But Throwdown's new stuff is more reminiscent of Pantera than anything else.

They are hardcore bands yes, but they always had heavier leanings than most other Hardcore Bands
true, im not happy with the way way hardcore is going.

not a big fan of this metalcore stuff.
Hardcore is still alive and well.

Just gotta know where to look.

The metalcore stuff claims to steeped in Hardcore but its just metal with breakdowns and 2-step riffs.

Confuses me.

Look up bands like FastPoint, Deal With It, Black My Heart, XAFBX XBISHOPX and you'll see there is still loads of hardcore that's left to listen too.
I never liked Death Metal but Cannibal Corpse's first three albums were great, don't know if you'd call them melodic though
Outrageous bump I know but it seemed better than starting a new thread.

Who of the current cafe regulars are into Melodic Death Metal?

I'm currently listening to the new Devin Townsend album, Ki. I highly, highly recommend it.

Opeth's relatively new effort, Watershed is also amazing.
My favourites:

Nightrage - 'Sweet Vengeance'
Nightrage - 'Descent into Chaos'
Lindberg left Nightrage after Descent into Chaos, their subsequent releases are poor.
Witchery - 'Dead, Hot and Ready'
Witchery - 'Restless and Dead'
Witchery - 'Symphony for the Devil'
One Man Army and the Undead Quartet - '21st Century Killing Machine'
The Crown - 'Hell is Here'
The Crown - 'Crowned in Terror'
At the Gates - 'Slaughter of the Soul'
Dark Tranquillity - 'Character'
Soilwork - 'Stabbing the Drama'
Face Down - 'The Will to Power'

Some samples:

I'm hugely into Metal, but not at all Death Metal. I just.. don't like it. Symphonic/Melodic Metal? Sure!

I'm actually listening to Kamelot right now. I used to listen to them more before, but I'm starting to get back into it. Also listen quite a lot to Sonata Arctica, DragonForce (also before Guitar Hero, mind!), Nightwish (Yeah yeah), Within Temptation, etc etc. Also quite like "normal" Heavy Metal, like Iron Maiden. Don't mind Trash Metal. Oh, and I like System of a Down, so sue me :p
I'm hugely into Metal, but not at all Death Metal. I just.. don't like it. Symphonic/Melodic Metal? Sure!

I'm actually listening to Kamelot right now. I used to listen to them more before, but I'm starting to get back into it. Also listen quite a lot to Sonata Arctica, DragonForce (also before Guitar Hero, mind!), Nightwish (Yeah yeah), Within Temptation, etc etc. Also quite like "normal" Heavy Metal, like Iron Maiden. Don't mind Trash Metal. Oh, and I like System of a Down, so sue me :p

I'm into most of those bands, except DragonForce - I can't stand them.

I just watched that Dark Tranquility video and it was pretty sweet. I've never listened to them before but I'll have to check out more of their music.
I'm falling away from metal. Maybe I'm too old or maybe it's got worse?

I like Down, High on Fire, The Sword and some Opeth stuff but other than that I am not too impressed and I end up listening to old stuff from the Nineties and before.

I might check out some of the stuff mentioned on here and see if anything grabs my attention.
You should give all of those vids a go.

I am also quite a fan of thrash metal, so the recent revival pleases me. I would recommend:

Lazarus A.D - 'Onslaught'
Warpath - 'Damnation'
Municipal Waste - 'The Art of Partying'
Skeletonwitch (could be thrash or melodic death) - 'Beyond the Permafrost'

Of course, Testament - 'The Gathering.' Perhaps my favourite thrash album of all time.

Badass tunes from each:

I've never been able to get into it at all. It just lacks atmosphere for me.

Prefer Black Metal, where the musicianship probably isn't as good but the "tunes" are. 2009 has been an outstanding year for the genre as well. The new albums by Blut aus Nord, Wolves in the Throne Room, Shining and Xasthur are all well up to scratch.
I like most metal genres. Symphonic, death, black, some trash, most of the regular heavy metal, etc.

Most of my favorite bands are symphonic/death metal bands though since that's what I started listening when I was younger. Bands like Epica, After Forever, Therion, Lacuna Coil, Tristania, Sirenia (great band, their first 2-3 albums that is, don't like the new singer all that much), Diablo Swing Orchestra (also amazing!) are my favorite symphonic metal bands. Then there are some death/black/doom metal bands I like, such as Samael, Opeth, Amon Amarth, Norther, CoB, Anathema, Tiamat, Burzum, Summoning, etc.