Max Payne movie teaser


Fond memories of that game, that face makes me laugh every time though :lol: looks like he's having a shit.
Wow, looks great to me. I loved the games and now I also have quite high expectations for the movie. Whalberg should do fine, it's Jackie from the 70s show as Mona that worries me.

Hopefully it will be better than a normal action flick, it should be a noir movie. It should have a dark atmposhere (looks like it will be from the trailer) and the narration from Max should add to the mood.
Trailer looks good, let's hope they at least make it half decent.

Somehow I don't see Wahlberg being grumpy enough to do Max Payne though
Surely there are far better choices than Mark Wahlberg to play Max Payne?
Surely they are missing something here. The telephone ringing!?

The game was class. I bet the film won't be.