Mass Effect


Stupid Conspiracy Enthusiast Wanker
Aug 1, 2006
Right. I've just got this game to see if it justifies the immense hype that clings to it.
Anyone else got this? What do you think?
Right. I've just got this game to see if it justifies the immense hype that clings to it.
Anyone else got this? What do you think?


A few frame rate issues here and there, textures take a second to load when you restart after dying but aside from that it's really good.
To add, I bought this and Asassin's Creed at the same time. I played AC 2 or 3 times since then, the rest of the time I was always playing this which I found a lot more fun.
I did think it was? Though I'd love if it did, it's the only 360 game that's actually tempted me to buy one.

Unfortunately it's only for the 360.

A shame, Bioware is definately my favourite developers.
This game is immense. I'm already completely hooked.
Come across a slight problem. One of my characters, Ashley, doesn't respond to left on the d-pad. It's annoying cos it means a lot of the time i'm fighting with 2 players.
Can anyone help me here?