Man vs Wild


Zingle balls
Oct 19, 2005
Do any of you watch this show?

I switch to Discovery channel sometimes when I'm watching TV and have watched this show a few times.. it's pretty good.

What do you guys make of it?
Do any of you watch this show?

I switch to Discovery channel sometimes when I'm watching TV and have watched this show a few times.. it's pretty good.

What do you guys make of it?

ive never seen in... is it men wrestling alligators / fighting bears with their hands etc...

if it is it sounds great...
Bear Grylls >>>>>>>> anybody else in the world
I really enjoy it, a lot of the shit he does is blatantly set-up but if you don't take it to seriously it is fun to watch. Plus I love how no matter what the feck he eats it always has 'lots of protein' and 'good energy', I sware the guy could live off eating dust and cobwebs if he needed to.
remember that espisode. there's no way I'm sticking my hand in a swampy hole. might not be a catfish that grabs ya. that place has it's fair share of water snakes :eek: