Man Vs Wild

Isn't it staged?

There were some episodes where he got help. The Sahara one comes to mind. However, it was clear that this was arranged, and I never got the impression they have tried to lead me into thinking otherwise.

I must say I found these instances amusing. In reality, there are places where the chances of survival are close to zero, no matter how trained you are.
Isn't it staged?

Sort of someone I know saw Grylls doing the outback Australia episode and a couple of hundreds metres behind the apparently lost Grylls and his camera man, was a catering van, tecnical support vehicle, medics etc.
I remember my brother saying, he's seen Bear Grylls here in my place. Has any of you seen his shows confirm this?
Despite "creative editing" and such on the show, Bear is still an amazing person - 12 months after being discharged from the hospital after breaking his back he climbed Mt. Everest at the age of 23. Youngest briton to have climbed Everest at the time.

I met him and listened to one of his lectures here in Norway this week, he's a very humble and down to earth person.
Its a bit understandable if a few odd things are fixed.

Its a show at the end of it all ffs!