In a well-ordered universe...
Post your 2005 MLB Predictions. I'm still working on mine, will post this weekend.
Jacqueline_S said:hey Gillespie, this is especially for you -
feel sad i couldn't find the 04 and no more banner
Looking Busy said:What the deal with Anahiem Angels.
I'm registered to receive post game news and they are now the LA Angels
ok althought i'm not a sucksox fan, i think IF i can choose a player from your squad to be the MVP i'd rather pick manny...Gillespie said:For some reason I couldn't open the attachment,but from where I'm standing things look good for RedSox nation.........I think we'll do back to back world series!!!
As for MVP........look no further than Johnny Damon!
Jacqueline_S said:gotta laugh seeing the yankees under the Os and the Js...
by the way, devil your link doesn't work
Gill - this is just for you
AARONTHERED said:feck the yankees
feck the redsox
and feck all of you bandwagon jumping fans
Go mariners