Madden 11


Full Member
Jan 27, 2008
Demo is available now on PSN and XBL.

It's a huge improvement on last year. The new GameFlow feature is great imo. If you use it, the coach will call the most suitable play. Really speeds things up, and of course you can always audible, or just retain the original playbook option.

There's no sprint button either, which makes running a lot more challenging. You really are at the mercy of your blockers. The presentation is sweet, and the physics and animations look much better. Very impressed with it.

Full version is out on August 11th.

Anyone else played the demo yet?
Liked the demo. Gameflow is really useful for someone and will help people like me who don't really know what play to call at what time. Presentation has improved, I like the new kicking system as well. THey should've had the sprint option for punt/kick-off returns as I can only return the ball 10 yards before getting tackled, but running with the RB is more authentic than last year.

Not sure if I'd buy the full version as I don't really play Madden that much, but it is an improvement on last year.
The thing about the sprint button that is ridiculous is that players like running backs and other players with the ball, do fecking sprint....
Are you saying that Brady should be rated higher than Brees, based on last year??

Well i'm not going to pretend i'm half as knowledgeable as some people we have on these boards but these are the ratings for the QB's

D. Brees - 99
P. Manning - 99
T. Brady - 95
A. Rodgers - 94
P. Rivers - 94
B. Favre - 92
T. Romo - 90
M. Shaub - 89

For me Peyton is just ahead of Brady, who could realistically be rated the same as Brees on last seasons performances but not 4 points lower. Brees is on the cover as well, which might explain it, but i don't think many people would argue that he should be as highly rated as Manning.

And for me Brady is still superior to Brees. Definitely not 4 points behind him anyway
Roethlisberger should be up there at 89 or 90 imo
Brees just won the superbowl, of course he's going to be up there.

Brady's rating was arguably too high last year anyway after coming back from a year out.
Brady should have the same rating as Brees, even if Brees won the superbowl. Peyton would be the highest imo. Brady still had a decent season last year considering he came back from a serious injury.

Don't know if you guys know but Obama appears in the game as well when you win the Superbowl.
Looking forward to wasting more of my money and getting my hands on a game which probably has minimal significant changes. On the QB ratings - Madden has always been the same and based on the last season so Brees is deservedly up there and in real life terms it's now a big three anyway. The overall rating is not really important and I would not be surprised if they all had comparable ratings for accuracy, deep throw and other things that matter. One stat can have an impact on the overall rating. For example Brady was off the charts on the game after 07 but his freak injury dropped his overall rating the next year despite only playing one quarter of football and still having the same intangibles and toughness on the field.
That is excellent stuff, whats career mode meant to be like this year?
Not sure, I have not really read much about that. I doubt there will be significant change just a slight improvement. The most notable things are usually within game play, presentation or graphics. Also, on second thought I could have exaggerated Brady's post 07 fall a bit, I can't remember but he probably still was second after Manning. As Cement said earlier in the thread it could and maybe should have been worse considering he missed so much time and the reactionary nature of the developers etc.
Played the demo. I don't like the lack of a sprint button. It just feels wrong. Hopefully i'll get used to it. They've made audibles a lot easier to perform, and have changed the system used to call hot routes etc.
Downloaded the demo, first time I've played Madden and thoroughly enjoyed it. Tempted to buy the game or an older vershion as I am not fussed about the players themselves as I barely know any.
Too many problems with the last game and it doesn't look like this one has made any serious improvements. It's just completely animation led, at the expense of realism:

I'm still probably going to get it but I just wish my hand wasn't forced by the exclusive rights deal.
Not sure if this is entirely correct but with the sprinting it seems this year they have an 'auto-sprint' option which is turned on by default. Therefore, I assume if you turn that option off, you can assign a button for sprinting.
The graphics were pretty awesome, but I know feck all about yank football - got my ass kicked :lol:
ok, i'm starting to enjoy it more. I've noticed kick off returns don't go as far as they did as on last years version and the lack of the sprint button is taking a while to get used to, but overall i think its a lot better. Improved presentation as well, and easier to navigate the game during matches

This came out today. Im really liking it, they've put in more effort than usual this time round. Calvin Johnson is sensational in it :)
What's good about Madden games? Would someone who watches no NFL other than the Superbowl still enjoy it?
What's good about Madden games? Would someone who watches no NFL other than the Superbowl still enjoy it?

It actually got me into american football. I bought Madden 10 cos i had amazon vouchers and it was going cheap. And its just extremely good as both a game and an educational tool. I knew feck all apart from the Quarterback throws the ball to try get a touchdown when I got the game, but its extremely accessible and increases your understanding of the game from pretty much the first time you play it. With American football being a game which gets better and better the more you can understand its worth having a punt on it, especially if you can find last years version going cheap (as i'm guessing you're unaware of specific players etc. if you only watch the Superbowl). I can really recommend it. And i'm aware I sound like an EA sales rep.
The amount of options confused the crap out of me in Madden, so i bought Backbreaker, which was just terrible.

Takes a little getting used to but the fundamentals are all there, unlike in Madden. To base the whole game around real time physics is huge for the genre and it brings a whole new concept of realism that Madden cannot even touch. For a first time effort it shows a lot of potential, while Madden has been stagnating for years.

The exclusive rights deal is just so frustrating because the game would get a lot more attention if it had all the big names.
I think i'm just crap at American football games, there's just too many lines across the screen and i can never throw it to the guy i want.

Although the real time physics thing was good but had it's bad points. I kept getting taken out by peoples fingertips!
Yeah, i watch NFL as well if i get the chance. Some guys at Uni got me into it and sadly (i've been told) i became a bit of a Pats fan.

Watching NFL really is more of a group thing though, the amount of stoppages in it mean that without anyone to have some banter with it can get kinda boring.
Too many problems with the last game and it doesn't look like this one has made any serious improvements. It's just completely animation led, at the expense of realism:

I'm still probably going to get it but I just wish my hand wasn't forced by the exclusive rights deal.

Thanks for sharing this video. Even though I'm not into american football at all, it's been rather insightful for me.

Didn't there used to be a proper NFL game by 2K or SEGA? How long does this exclusive EA deal last?
Thanks for sharing this video. Even though I'm not into american football at all, it's been rather insightful for me.

Didn't there used to be a proper NFL game by 2K or SEGA? How long does this exclusive EA deal last?

No idea when the deal expires, hopefully it's soon.

NFL 2k5 was the last competitor, and it's still better than any Madden release since. That said, Madden '03 and '04 were probably the best American Football games ever made though.
i love the demo, havent decided whether to get it or not though, i only buy an american sports game every other year or so, havent decided whether to buy NHL, NBA or NFL this year