Mad Men

A couple of episodes. It's a slow burner.

That ginger one is one of the best things I've ever seen.
It's a good show. Started watching season 2, Hendricks is one of the main reasons for watching it. She was good in Firefly as well.
Only watched a few episodes but it seems good wasn't up to date for the second season so I shelved it for a while
Unbelievable show, on season 3 at the minute. Best thing I've watched in ages.
It's so good, so beautifuly crafted, everything on screen from script to set to costume to acting is brilliant
Have the first 4 seasons on bluray waiting to be watched... haven't seen any of it yet. Sounds like I'll enjoy it.
Just started this on Netflix and about 4 or 5 episodes in, just to the part where:

We find out that 'Donald' has a brother and his real name isn't Donald Draper apparently.

Gripping, incredibly well written. More developed characters in the first few episodes than most shows can hope for in several seasons.