Toying with the idea of getting one
Anyone got any horror stories cos I can afford one and It'll make me feel better
I think the air is more than just a 'fashion accessory' tbh.
If your only concerns are web browing, watching videos and basic light usage then why not go for the Air? Its got a great battery life, boots up and runs incredibly quickly (has a SSD) and is super-portable. The screen looks fantastic too.
Get an iPad 2 than.
I never understood how it's more or less portable than a far superior Macbook....unless you are an absolute weak person or something. I have a MacBook and it's never held me down, on the train, car, when I had in my bag cycling, ever.
It doesn't look better either, so for like the uber higher price, I wouldn't no.
I agree Zen, the air is only of any real benefit if you spend inordinate amounts of time on planes. And even then you'd want a DVD drive so a normal one would be better.
I'd never buy it. Hardware's not good enough and can't really upgrade it much.
If you're going for a Mac as a laptop you should go Pro.
Then why do you have an iPad if you have Air?
I'm looking at getting a 2nd hand macbook. I've never owned a mac, so want to see how I find using one without splashing out over a grand on a macbook pro. Also was a massive fan, aesthetically, of the old black macbook.
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Any reason why I shouldn't go for one? Looking at spending roughly £300.
Thinking of buying one.
My 15'' MBP feels a bit too big nowadays, and I really do not use it for anything besides web browsing and watching the odd tv-show. Might flog it and get the Air, not sure about which size though and the 2GB vs. 4 GB RAM.
Thoughts, RedLars?
If you read my post again, I think you'll see that I mentioned that I've sold my iPad. It didn't fit the bill for me, but an Air does!
The BlackBook would be more or less the same computer as the one I just replaced. Like I've already mentioned, it worked just fine for me, and had the AirPort card actually worked I would have kept it at least another year before replacing it, so I think it should work just fine unless you're looking to do heavy stuff on it.
Those have a tendency to crack in the plastic down towards the far end of where you rest your palms when typing (hence the Crackbook nickname.) I would make sure you don't get a cracked one, or one that's had the plate around the keyboard replaced if it did!
Edit: Also, for good measure, go for the Core 2 Duo processor. I don't think you'll be able to run the next OS X otherwise, as it'll be 64 bit only.
I know the Macbook air has better graphics
So assuming I go for the Core 2 Duo one, will I be able to run most things such as Photoshop? And in terms of gaming, will it run something like COD 4 on reasonable settings?
Pretty much 70% of the ones on youtube have the cracked bit you are talking about. I couldn't quite figure out how you'd get a crack there.
You guys obviously haven't tried it. First of all, once you've gotten used to the Air the Pro is like a brick in comparison. For me it's just as handy and portable as my old iPad (which I've sold now), which is also due to the fact that it instantly turns on when you open the screen. And I mean instantly, you can literally use it immediately after you open it up (which is the SSD I think).
Like I said though, you have to use it to appreciate just how portable it is, and how handy it makes it. I didn't really see it before I experienced it either. And I haven't used the DVD drive in three years, at least, so that didn't factor in for me at all.
What isn't the hardware good enough for? It's good enough for everything I use it for, and then some. But then again, as I already said, so was my five year old original MacBook.
Because I run heavy programs because of my classwork and also play Football Manger on it. My current laptop is much much better than a Macbook Pro.
If you have the money I guess you could buy an Air. It's just a Macbook with a smaller appearance. Ain't nothing more to it than that. To me that's not enough to explain the difference in cost.
A 13" most basic version of Macbook costs the same as the most basic version of Air. The Macbook is better. Only weighs 2kg and the screen is 13". That's just not big or heavy.
I don't know what you use it for and I'm not the man to for guidance in this case anyways. I have a 2000$ laptop which is better than the best that Mac has to offer. It's much bigger and heavier than an Air but then again, I keep it in a bag. I don't mind holding more than 5kg's in a bag (that's laptop + other stuff).
Bottomline, I think buying an Air is more of a fashion statement than a technological one. Like clothes or accessories, it's over prices for what it's capable of and what it costs to make. You're paying for the label. That's also my general view of Mac because can always put together your owen computer or laptop and get better for less with less problem of changing hardware in the future. If Windows isn't to your liking then you have Ubuntu which is free.
Unless you are an Apple gadget man and therefor sync up your computers with your phone and some other stuff as well. Then I completely get your point.
If you have the money no problem. All you want is something that is light and looks good and gets the job done and nothing more than that then by all means buy Macbook Air. That's it's purpose after all.
Do you any of the Black Macbook models come with the illuminated keyboard or is it just the Macbook Pros?
Having used it yesterday, I don't think I'm bothered - the MacBook pro seems to be a better machine and is cheaper
It's a fnacy dan of a computer and I don't have the cash