
If you like tactical cooperative online shooters, it's probably worth a go. I don't have it, but I have played it. It's a bit hit an miss for me, if you can get yourself into a good clan, it can be great. It does really need to be played with people that are willing to play the game as it is supposed to be played. Do you like SOCOM?
Cheers Weaste.

I've never played SOCOM.

I do prefer tactical style shooters to run and gun, fastest trigger finger wins type ones....Operation Flashpoint was always more appealing to me than Counterstrike, for example....and i always prefer to play cooperatively for the good of the team rather than to just rack up my own score. I don't have a mic though and even if i did, trying to use tactics with the general console playing public is usually a excercise in futility.
I've held off on getting this because none of my friends have it. I hear the same thing Weaste says, it's all about who you roll with. If you have a bunch of people only caring about their K/D spread, then you're screwed. I've also read about some lag issues, but I don't know how they compare to most other games.

SOCOM can be less of a pain in the ass, and because the teams are generally smaller, it is easier to find those that would cooperate tactically. And a new SOCOM should be coming out later this year.
Hmm....well a mate is thinking about getting it too so i reckon i might let him buy it and see what it's like first :D

If it's decent and if a few more people pipe up in this thread and fancy getting a Caf band of brothers together for a laugh then i'll buy the game and a mic.