Lyon boss Fonseca gets nine-month ban for confronting referee


Has a Dutch member.
Jan 14, 2010
Fonseca, 52, was sent off and pushed his face towards official Benoit Millot during Lyon's 2-1 win over Brest on 2 March.

In a statement on Wednesday, the French Professional Football League said the Portuguese boss would be barred from accessing the bench, the officials' dressing rooms, and carrying out any official functions before, during, or after matches until 30 November.

The punishment also prevents him from going to the team dressing room, pitch, tunnel and corridors leading to those areas until 15 September.

Seems a bit extreme?
I wonder if this takes into account the off months in the summer. They wanted him to serve a 6 month ban, so had to bump it to 9 to take into account May, June, July
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I'm very fine with the outcome and as mentioned above there will be the summer break in between. I guess this is also about sending a message, that there a certain boundaries concerning referees that need to be respected.
9 months is ridiculously excessive. It was bad but 9 months is nonsense
That's mad. Is he out for Europa games too?
How is it extreme? He pushed his face towards the ref and got the punishment that he deserves. Managers have already been pushing the boundaries in the past decade or so, and this sort of incident was inevitable.

You have to stop this sort of behaviour and a 6 game ban isn’t going to cut it. He’s going to get a ban that will most likely end up with him getting sacked and the club won’t even have to pay him compensation for sacking him.
How is it extreme? He pushed his face towards the ref and got the punishment that he deserves. Managers have already been pushing the boundaries in the past decade or so, and this sort of incident was inevitable.

You have to stop this sort of behaviour and a 6 game ban isn’t going to cut it. He’s going to get a ban that will most likely end up with him getting sacked and the club won’t even have to pay him compensation for sacking him.
Players and managers are regularly in the referee and officials face but don't get anywhere near this type of punishment. It ends at a yellow or a red. Klopp used to do it on the regular.

Mitrovic actually pushed a referee and only got an 8 game ban.

This is excessive and overly aggressive and ugly but feels like it's a 'make an example' of him moment. I'd give a big fine, public apology, and a 5 match ban or something.
No wonder referees keep getting punched in France. With that sort of time, be sure to do the right crime.

(Don't actually punch referees)