Luke Shaw's brother had a Twitter rant about Jose Mourinho


makes new threads with tweets in the OP
Oct 25, 2010
Photoshopped nonsense is nonsense.

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This is helpful, we need more sibling interjections. What does Waynetta Rooney think?
He said that "Mourinho always had something against Luke". Didn't Jose try to sign him at Chelsea?
So this is going to help your brother is it? God I hate twitter. It's as though people pour out their gripes on there and think nobody else is going to read them. Then try to take it all back when they realise that every man and his dog has seen them.

Now was it all true or has it just proved my last point.
Regardless of that being fake, I don't like what's happening to Shaw and Martial. They don't seem as happy/confident as they did under LvG (could be because of the personal stuff in Martial's case), and both have been benched. Mourinho talked about certain players not performing as well under him as they did last season, pretty sure he was talking about those two at least.
Making a thread based on a tweet from a well-known parody account? The caf has reached an all-time low.
There's no images of him with Luke on his twitter account. Is he even his brother? He looks feck all like him too.
Scrolling through his twitter for thirty seconds and come to the conclusion that there is no way he tweeted that.
With all these press/twitter/social media negative rumours coming out, I'm thinking that is a media witch hunt against's worst than with LVG and Moyes and its only been a few months...
I don't like what's happening to Shaw and Martial. They don't seem as happy/confident as they did under LvG (could be because of the personal stuff in Martial's case), and both have been benched. Mourinho talked about certain players not performing as well under him as they did last season, pretty sure he was talking about those two at least.
Problem Jose has is he would get away with it if the replacements were ripping it up, but they aren't. There are times it has been obvious a Martial is needed and has been ignored.
It would have been in the news on Sunday if this was true but as he's made clear it's photoshopped. Oh dear PP.
I dont know what happens here but I actually think this could be a potential problem. Nobody should be favored because of personal differences or other stuff. The football should do all the talking. Even if I kind of agree that Bastian may not be the future and may have little to contribute with I still think its in humane to leave him out of the squad like this. As far as I know we had room to include him in the registration so why leave him out? Its the same for Valdes under LvG. Its not humane.

I hope this is nothing but I kind of think that Chelsea is a sort of match that would suit Shaw much better. Lets hope he wasnt fit to play.
With all these press/twitter/social media negative stories coming on I'm thinking that is a media witch hunt against's worst than with LVG and Moyes and its only been a few months...
It's starting to get nasty. I hate the press, they are underhand ratbags.
Thread title should be updated before everyone starts taking this as a fact and use it few months down the line.
It his brother I believe, I remember Shaw tweeting to follow his younger brother..didn't know he was gay.
Problem Jose has is he would get away with it if the replacements were ripping it up, but they aren't. There are times it has been obvious a Martial is needed and has been ignored.

Yes. I think Mourinho wants Martial to do more defensive work than he had to last season, and that he doesn't trust him in that regard. We effectively played with two full backs and two wing backs against Chelsea and Liverpool (which is why we barely threatened them). I remember Mourinho being annoyed with Hazard too for not doing his job defensively, but players like Hazard/Martial need to be given more freedom offensively, not less.
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Yes. I think Mourinho wants Martial to do more defensive work than he had to last season, and that he doesn't trust him in that regard. We effectively played with two full backs and two wing backs against Chelsea and Liverpool. I remember Mourinho being annoyed with Hazard too for not doing his job defensively, but players like Hazard/Martial need to be given more freedom offensively, not less.
The talented players have to be given so much freedom. When a team has someone who is just brilliant attacking wise, sometimes other players just have to pick up the slack. You quite often get the rewards in the end. Take that brilliance out of a team and you end up bland with nothing to show.
The plot chickens...
There's only one way out of this fiery prison: more fire! Get the flamthrowers, Benny, it's time to play the "Jose paedo-d me right up" card.
It's made a bit weirder by the fact that Shaw started the Europa League game, and was present for the press conference before the game (gave interviews).

Blind was always going to start against Chelsea, hadn't put a foot wrong at LB up until that game.