Low budget horror movies


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
Is it obligatory that the plot and the events have to be absolutely ridiculous for the movie to be released? I mean, they are ridiculous by default.

I saw two cheap productions today, one of them was Bloody Murder from 2000. There was this scene at the beginning when guy's car run out of gas, so he decided to walk on feet down exactly the same road he has just gone by. Possible reasons for that:

a) He drove near a gas station a couple of minutes before, so he decided to walk towards there, in which case he's an idiot for not buying gas when he was nearby. You know, you got this little thingy that shows you how much gas you got at the moment.

b) He didn't see any gas stations but thought that he would meet someone on his way back. Presumably in a car that would reach his destination, i.e. the car without gas, without him walking towards it.

He obviously got killed so there's an explanation. I would've probably seen more of this had I watched the entire movie.

Every time the killer chases a person, they have to look back all the time to check how far he is. They cannot simply keep looking forward because that would make them too fast for the killer, who obviously keeps walking instead of running.

When your friend, or someone who you just met gets kidnapped by a psycho, you don't simply call anyone, cops or something. You enter his property and try to deal with him yourself. For some reason it's how you should do it. Bringing in cops, armored and prepared for dealing with killers, is a pointless act.

Feel free to post titles of the most ridiculous horror movies you've seen as well as insights into their beatiful plots.
Ok well this isn't from a Horror movie but it was sheer horror having to sit through "The Happening"

So this is the storyline, people are commiting suicide because.........wait for it...........of THE TREES, the fecking trees. At one point in the film the group seperate and run away from the WIND. No, no joke, they run away from the fecking wind. Thats it thats the film.

ps Sarni change the title of this thread to "ridiculous/shit movie plots" then you'll get more posts and they will be alot more varied in stupidness.
I saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre the other day for the first time

One of the worst films I have ever seen
I saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre the other day for the first time

One of the worst films I have ever seen

The first one from 1974 is actually quite good for a horror movie. It was also based on facts to some extent which made it a little scary. All other Chainsaw Massacre movies are horrible.
I've seen plenty but none come to mind at the moment.

It's the old cliche of the victim always runs up the stairs instead of out the front door.
I've seen plenty but none come to mind at the moment.

It's the old cliche of the victim always runs up the stairs instead of out the front door.

Whilst looking back to slow themselves down obviously.

A psychopath killer struck by a heavy object in the head rarely falls down too. There's absolutely no chance he will get hurt by this.
Also never check if he's really dead, just run the feck out of there.
The first one from 1974 is actually quite good for a horror movie. It was also based on facts to some extent which made it a little scary. All other Chainsaw Massacre movies are horrible.

Thought so too. Just the low budget quality of it added to the whole deranged hillbilly feel of it. Unpleasant movie, which I suppose was the whole point.