LOTR in blu ray

From what I've heard, they're not as good as they could've been on blu-ray?
I'm gonna wait till the release the extended editions. Pretty annoying they are not on this release.

Yes, it's bloody annoying - they're just out to make money.

The annoying thing is, I prefer some parts of the theatrical version, namely the Path of the Dead sequence. Thought it was awful in the extended version.

But then again, I prefer the whole Faramir/Denethor thing in the EE.
Its the typical double dip ploy. No point buying these, better off waiting for the definitive edition.
Do you have bitrate and size data?

Apparently it's only a tad better than the DVD version. Also the HDTV broadcast has better picture quality than the blu ray release. Red Dreams is probably right, that it's a wasted technology.

Erica get Baraka on blu ray - it's stunning to look at.
Waiting for the extended versions. I hated waiting the first time around, and it sucks that they've done it again.
it sounds an unusual film , spoony

Watch it you won't be disappointed. It's what blu ray was invented for. Another I might invest in is Planet Earth. Most of the blu ray transfers aren't upto scratch. . .I've been lucky in that the ones I own are brilliant. Dark Knight, Inglourious Basterds, Baraka, Blade Runner and Red Cliff are all visually top notch. I want Ran but like LOTR its transfer isn't very good and sadly Criterion aren't going to release their version. I'll probably get Kagemusha(criterion) instead though. I don't think its worth shelling out on a BR when the DVD version is just as good.
Watch it you won't be disappointed. It's what blu ray was invented for. Another I might invest in is Planet Earth. Most of the blu ray transfers aren't upto scratch. . .I've been lucky in that the ones I own are brilliant. Dark Knight, Inglourious Basterds, Baraka, Blade Runner and Red Cliff are all visually top notch. I want Ran but like LOTR its transfer isn't very good and sadly Criterion aren't going to release their version. I'll probably get Kagemusha(criterion) instead though. I don't think its worth shelling out on a BR when the DVD version is just as good.

Too late, Spoons. I already took credit for that recommendation.

Edit: Not only that, I got her a discount of Asian proportions.
I can confirm it isn't actually much better than dvd, maybe it's got something to do with the way the film is shot or something. Maybe they cannot produce a sharper image from the original source.
Too late, Spoons. I already took credit for that recommendation.

Edit: Not only that, I got her a discount of Asian proportions.

How much did you pay? is the 5 disc version?

And you can review and all then. . .
5 disc BBC version from Amazon. Turns out it wasn't much of a discount because it's still at that price.

Planet Earth: Complete BBC Series [Blu-ray] [2006]: Amazon.co.uk: David Attenborough: DVD

Turns out I actually paid about £25 for my copy but that was a while ago. Looks like the prices are plummeting. Now I don't feel quite so Asian with my frugality skills. :(

Ahhh. Play have it for £17.99. They've also sell a box set for 50 notes.

and. . .

Yojimbo Blu-ray Review (Criterion Collection) (1961)

Yojimbo looks mint - Criterion have done a fantastic job.
Sort of off-topic but what's the best looking film on Blu-ray? Does anything come close to The Prestige?
Me too. I don't know why it's taking so long for big titles like this to hit blu-ray - anyone know when Star Wars is coming out?

It took forever for the big titles to come out on DVD though. Trouble is they took ages with the Star Wars DVDs and they still looked shite and were the inferior versions anyway.

Am I the only person in the world who thinks LOTR is dull as feck by the way?
No it bored the crap out of me.

Glad to hear it's not just me then. 9 hours of elves wizards, talking trees and assorted CGI bollocks is as close as I could imagine to water torture yet everyone I know seems to adore it. Also, we all know what's going to happen at the end of those 9 hours anyway.

Whenever I try to explain this to LOTR fans they always tell me "You should watch the extended versions, they are much better" as if I'd enjoy sitting through over 11 hours of it. :wenger:
AAlso the HDTV broadcast has better picture quality than the blu ray release.

That doesn't make sense. That article Aporkalypse posted doesn't make sense either, at least in the UK, as there are no 1080p broadcasts, although at 24fps there doesn't need to be, the article is flawed on that level however.

Weaste, make sense of this bit rate chart diagram thingy(Hero)

*Hero Blu-ray Maggie Cheung

Bitrate is good Spoons, variable, the spikes are at the beginning and end, so obviously credits and such that are easy to compress. Throughout the actual feature, it seems to stick around the high 30s for most of the time.
I can confirm it isn't actually much better than dvd, maybe it's got something to do with the way the film is shot or something. Maybe they cannot produce a sharper image from the original source.

The resolution alone is almost 4x that of DVD, but yes, if they have messed with it, then the image quality could suffer, but that's highly subjective. As for producing a quality image from the source, of course that's possible, what people seem to me moaning about is blur. Film grain provides noise, to remove it you need to interpolate and smooth. Why this needs to be done at the mastering phase I really do not know, as a BD player should be able to do it in real-time if the viewer so wishes to remove artefacts such as film grain noise.
Weaste check the comparisons out. . .Baraka DVD/Blu Ray.



Blu Ray.
Was that 'DVD' a pirate copy that was actually from a video camera in the cinema?
The difference looks far too large to me, I'd have been slightly more ready to believe that was a VHS in the first shot, but if I bought a DVD that looked like that I'd be well pissed off.
The difference is significant, even without the blurring that occurs with the upscale of the DVD.

Is the other one an upscaled DVD?

I've checked out Criterion's BR catalgue and they've all got good reviews. I'll have to pick up the likes of Chungking Express, Yojimbo and Kagemusha.