Lord of the rings online


Has a Dutch member.
Jan 14, 2010
Started playing this today. It's free up until level 75. I'm only around level 8 from playing the whole afternoon. Of course you need to pay if you want to get more bag space or added on features and stuff but it's still a cracking game to play if you're bored and looking for a new MMORPG.

Anyone else play it?
I always loved lord of the rings so I'll give it a go. Got another week to waste before my school starts again.
Played it some years ago. Quite fun for a while, but it got really boring. Lots of things have changed probably, but that were just so many things that were poor compared to WoW back then. Certainly liked some of the aspects from lotro though, particularly the crafting system.
I tried the beta and then tried it again when it became free to play - word of warning you will find the free content really dries up around lvl20 though, you have to buy most of the higher level content unless you want to just go through zones grinding mobs.

It's not a bad game though, a few things that it does particularly well.
If you want a F2P wait a few months for SWTOR to implement it, mainly because the leveling system is amazing and destroys all other MMO's, and it's going to be free all the way to level 50.

Unfortunately the end game isn't quite so good, and it's what will cost money.
I have 5 level 50s on SWtor playing it since day 1. If it wasnt star wars, would have cancelled long ago. The level 50 content is lacking. I have been looking at GW2, but il give lotr a go, what server ya on ?
SWTOR is boring as shit. I spent so long waiting for that game, only to be so disappointed. Spending every day at level 50 doing sweet FA.

exactly, i now find myself waiting for swgemu once again.