Longest threads

Sir A1ex

Full Member
Jul 29, 2002
Where the goals come from.
Not sure if this is the rigth place for this, but can't think of anywhere else... have you lot seen the size of the transfer muppet's Tevethread? It's going to hit 100 pages anytime!

Anyone know what the longest ever is?
I didn't even know we were trying to sign him. Is he Ukranian?

I'd mention it in the transfer forum and see how long the thread got but after the pillocks having a go at Blythy over us mods hypocritical stance on wind ups I'd probably best not.
Tevez thread is about to reach the 4000 post and it's 100 page, but is not the longest, the fecking bollox thread: https://www.redcafe.net/showthread.php?t=96318 went to 5000 posts and 125 pages,

but the biggest of them all was "The Redcafe novel" with 6382 posts and 160 pages

Well if its not the longest thread, it will certainly be the fastest growing one of the big threads. This started Thursday didnt it?

Mods, how about some stats about this thread like most posts (Hectic of course), number of links, number of posts with f.a.p in it.
There have been some great posts in there to be fair.

We've also managed to some some quality debates and discussions while keeping the banter up. I like that thread, 100 pages are barely one argument.