Little Big Planet 2.


The People's President
Oct 27, 2001
Free Palestine.
Anyone else think the single player story mode's weaker than the original? It's also easier. In fact it's piss easy.

Not a happy bunny.
Yeah, well shorter. Thing is, I'm not too fussed about the creative side, in the end, you're still only using their there's nothing new that can be created. I just want a good single player. I don't care one iota about online gaming and every other crap that just takes gaming away from single player gaming.
You'd be surprised with some of the stuff they've made Spoony.

I am actually gutted i spent full whack on this, this is the kind of game where you'll actually get more out of it by buying it later after people have got to grips with the tools and created some great levels.

The majority of the created levels are single player, i wonder if that guys got round to finishing his FF7 remake.
Yeah, I paid 40 notes. I got the last one for 20 quid a few months after it was released. But I wasn't particularly impressed with the levels created by users.

Oh and I ought to have said 'single player campaign/story'.