"Like" or "Rate this Post"


Full Member
Dec 6, 2006
Sanctity, like a cat, abhors filth.
One thing that Facebook and various message boards, including Comment Is Free, use, which this place could do with IMO, is a "Rate This Post" button. How many times do people feel compelled to respond to a post with: "This" or something longer but to the same effect? The need for such posts would be eradicated by such functionality.

Then you could also rank replies to a thread not chronologically but by how many "likes" they had, meaning if you came to a thread late you could read the best posts in it quickly without having to sift through all the dross.

Just a thought.
nope, however the caf could do with a little bit of aesthetic improvements here and there, it looks a bit dated by now
If it was going to happen it would probably be with reputation or the "thank this post" function since they're both common in vbulletin.

Don't see how either of those would improve the Caf in any way though.
niall has expressed a desire to move from v bulletin anyway so i highly doubt anything would be added to the current version
Would it be moved to IPBoard Sultan, the latest IPB has a clean interface with good readability, VB has some options/scripts like duplicate thread checker which IPB does not have though.
This is actually the worst idea I have ever seen.


It would lead to posting similar those cringeworthy youtube where people indulge more in garnering attention through cheesy crowd pleasing posts rather than actually indulging in discussion and debate by genuinely speaking their mind.
IPV > vBulletin

The Community the Caf already has would be very good on an IPV board with all its "Community" features.
Would it be moved to IPBoard Sultan, the latest IPB has a clean interface with good readability, VB has some options/scripts like duplicate thread checker which IPB does not have though.

I forgot the actual name DN. Apologies.
whether we move platform or not (something Niall has talked about for several years), i doubt we'd ever introduce a 'like' system.
I like it the way it is. Very user friendly, easy on the eye, elegant but simple. And Im used to it!!!

In terms of layout etc, its demands that we focus on quality of posting and not glamour gizmos. Leave that to your snazzy phones and other websites.

The only addition I'd like is to know when somebody has responded to a post of mine, like you get on facebook, so I can quickly respond. Like many, I post all over the place so often have no idea if another poster has commented on what I said and so not had the chance to reply.
The only addition I'd like is to know when somebody has responded to a post of mine, like you get on facebook, so I can quickly respond. Like many, I post all over the place so often have no idea if another poster has commented on what I said and so not had the chance to reply.

Yeah that would be good.

Xenforo has that built in.
Maybe a dislike button would be more appropriate.

Seriously though, it really is fine the way it is. Having said that, it's the only forum I post on so I've no idea what Xenforo is.
The idea in the op is to create a mechanism that negates the need for posts that say "this" or the replies that use a laughing face emoticon, for example. Mainly. Also, when reading long posts or threads it can be a useful sign post indicating whether something is worth reading.

I agree on Facebook it is quite redundant but on CiF, for example, I find it useful.
nice one, just ban the those stupid games and the old place will be all set! :angel:
