Lauryn Hill - What has happened?

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I can't believe the transformation in about 12 years from looking like a normal, healthy person, into a over-sized scary clown. Bad lifestyle, family problems and drugs are apparently the reasons but still.



This is why you should give crack a miss.

Speaking of crackheads, D'angelo is working in the studio with DJ Premier.

Let's take a second to remember the highs and lows of D'angelo



Apparently so. According to many stories from the people who surrounded her, she had many issues with family and friends after her last album and then she also experimented with various drugs, crack being the main one.
Apparently so. According to many stories from the people who surrounded her, she had many issues with family and friends after her last album and then she also experimented with various drugs, crack being the main one.

Crack? She doesn't seem the type that would do crack.

As for D'Angelo, where did you get the info he was doing a joint with Primo?

Both of these artists need to come back soon and strong, I can only endure Trey Songz for so long
She did a lot more then Crack if the stories are to be believed, I'll post up some sources.

D'angelo was straight from DJ Premier himself from an interview on his blog, not about a new joint, but a new album.
Hopefully it's true, I gave up all hopes of him releasing new material a long time ago. I heard he was arrested in Manhattan after soliciting sex from a female undercover cop.
She looked fine in Dave Chappelles Block Party a few years back. Shes a nutter though for sure.
I don't know if this is true, but I remember hearing back in 98' but apparently Lauryn Hill said she would rather kill herself than have a partially white baby. Can anyone confirm this? Very talented regardless I guess though
You'd think someone with millions of dollars would partake in using the most high-end cocaine South America has to offer instead of taking crack like some sort of bottom-feeder, but each to their own eh?
Could those first 2 pics be any more photoshopped? She'd probably still look exactly the same if the same time and effort was put into distorting her actual appearance now as it was then.
Not really, you have to fall into the depths of hell to come out looking like she does now!

But yes, her old pictures, especially the first two are airbrushed and photo shopped beyond extremes.
She looks like the evil lovechild of Scary Spice and Ronald Macdonald.
She looks suspiciously like Oprah
Funny timing, she's headlining rock the bells this year

Will be interesting to see the footage... She's still the best female to do it, and one of the best, period.
Surely it is part of some strange slander campaign? I am finding it hard to believe that is actually her in those horror pictures. There are plenty of them around mind you but there are also plenty of images that are apparently from 2010 when she looks fine. I mean she has aged but not like that. Look at these other reportedly 2010 images:




Either way she has been upstaged in both beauty (even compared to how she was 10 years ago) and in talent by Nneka Egbuna.
Nneka is the brightest and most beautiful talent to come along in a very very long time. She'd be at number one the world over if she wasn't so politically active both in her music and in her day to day life.
Seriously at 37 years of age I should be well beyond platonic love but this woman is my ideal in so many ways. I have been fortunate enough to talk to her on a couple of occasions and honestly fellas, she has a razor sharp mind, a marvellous outlook on life and is both extremely talented and beautiful in a very pure way.



True unadulterated beauty at every level. Brave, intelligent, talented and rebellious. What more could a man ask for? :drool:

Yeah, so screw that old crack head Lauryn "Over The" Hill. :lol: