Kungfu Panda = fecking brilliant.


That's great and all, but what is Sergio Canales u
Oct 19, 2005
At United, we strive for perfection, and if we fai
Just wanna say that Kungfu Panda has got to be one of the funniest movie i've watched in recent memory. If you do not enjoy it, something has to be wrong with your sense of humour. Please.............. go watch it. It's bloody brilliant.
Saw an advert for it in the cinema. I laughed myself to pieces when i saw it. I cant wait for it to come out.
Downloaded it last night, it's alright, theres a lot of 'Boing!' in it.
A Panda whose father is a stork and dreams of being a Kung Fu legend. How do they write this stuff ? :lol:
Just wanna say that Kungfu Panda has got to be one of the funniest movie i've watched in recent memory. If you do not enjoy it, something has to be wrong with your sense of humour. Please.............. go watch it. It's bloody brilliant.
one of the best i have seen . absolute brilliant movie.
This was a top movie too.

I liked the ninja Crane the best.
Spoons, did you have a very miserable childhood? You sound like one who cant get rid of bitter memories back then.

Or, you just have a very weird taste
I just found it unfunny.

Then again, you probably like Friends, duhhhhh. Irony/sarcasm at it's best, eh.
Favourite sitcom is probably Blackadder(2,3,4). . .as for movie. . .errrr Life of Brian, Planes Trains and Automobiles, City Lights, like most things with Pryor and Wilde and er. . .there are loads more. The Prodigal Son's a cracking kung fu flick starring Sammo, and I thought it was piss funny. It's one of my favourite movies and all. So, it's not the genre, I just thought Kung Fu Hustle was lame. In fact, I preferred Shoalin Soccer. Then again people like Anchorman and Friends. So I guess there's no accounting for taste.

Like er. . .duhhh.