Kumar Sangakkara

A great read Karan. Thanks for posting. The below paragraphs were my particular favourites. Sent a shiver down my spine.

A week after our arrival in Colombo from Pakistan I was driving about town and was stopped at a checkpoint. A soldier politely inquired as to my health after the attack. I said I was fine and added that what they as soldiers experience every day we only experienced for a few minutes, but managed to grab all the news headlines. That soldier looked me in the eye and replied: “It is OK if I die because it is my job and I am ready for it. But you are a hero and if you were to die it would be a great loss for our country.”
I was taken aback. How can this man value his life less than mine? His sincerity was overwhelming. I felt humbled.

Fans of different races, castes, ethnicities and religions who together celebrate their diversity by uniting for a common national cause. They are my foundation, they are my family. I will play my cricket for them. Their spirit is the true spirit of cricket. With me are all my people. I am Tamil, Sinhalese, Muslim and Burgher. I am a Buddhist, a Hindu, a follower of Islam and Christianity. I am today, and always, proudly Sri Lankan.
Brilliant speech by Sanga. An honourable articulate man, fantastic cricketer and a real credit to his country and sport. I read that he recently made a trip to the war-ravaged communities of the North and East and outlined his commitment to see more Sri Lankan cricketers of Tamil heritage making their mark in the national team. Hopefully this paves the way for national unity and integration in that part of the world..cricket can bring communities together.
Have the mp3 saved on my system.. will give it a listen some time.
Wow, just wow. What an amazing speech. Wish I was there to give him a standing ovation. Incredible. Forwarding this to all my cricket loving mates or anyone needing inspiration.
that is a great speech. he comes across really well in his interactions with his press. Even his interview during World Cup final awards ceremony was incredible and very classy.
He's been hauled up the board because of his lecture.