King of Hip Hop


Full Member
Jul 24, 2007
Or, the lack of one.

Just been having a think about the state of hip hop these days and whilst there are some talented rappers out there, I couldn't think of one guy who I'd propel to the level of Pac or Biggie.

I don't mean for this to be a 'oh the good old days' thread, but when you look at someone like 2Pac, his talent and music was easily the best at the time and hasn't been equalled.

Who is there right now that could be seen as a serious contender for the biggest talent in hip hop?

Eminem - past it
Kanye - I don't want another Kanye discussion but his production > rapping
Jay-Z - I'd say he's pretty past it too, still puts out decent stuff but nowhere near good enough

Eminem was probably right years ago on that Business track - hip hop is in a state of 911.
A more pertinent question is does it need one and has it ever really had one who wasn't self-proclaimed.

PS: 2pac and biggie are only imortalised as they died young, if they were still around they would most likely be producing the same mainstream dross that alot of others do.
A more pertinent question is does it need one and has it ever really had one who wasn't self-proclaimed.

That is actually a pretty good point.

I was only 5 when Pac was killed, so obviously all my knowledge of him being the 'king' is post-humous, but from listening to his stuff it's clear he was talented.
Collectively: Immortal Technique, Mos Def, Talib Kwali, Lupe Fiasco.

The rest can feck off as far as im concerned.
:lol: your list alright until this point.

What? :eek:

How is Lupe Fiasco not the dopest 'mainstream' lyricist out there? Feck is you nuts huh? You must have the IQ of a first grader not to appreciate Lu's music and the intelligence behind it

I'm fearless
Now hear this
I'm earless
And I'm peer-less
That means I'm eyeless
Which means I'm tearless
Which means my iris resides where my ears is
Which means I'm blinded
But I'mma find it I can feel it's nearness
But I'mma veer so I don't come near
Like a chicken or a deer
But I remember I'm not a listener or a seer so my windshield smear
Here, you steer, I really shouldn't be behind this, clearly cause my blindness
The windshield is minstrel, the whole grill is roadkill, so trill and so sincere. Yeah, I'm both them there
Took both pills, when a bloke in a trench coat and the locs in the chair had approached him here
And he clear as a ghost, so a biter of the throats in the mirror
The writer of the quotes for the ghosts who supplier of the notes to the living
Riveting is rosy, pockets full of posies, given to the mother of the deceased. Awaken at war, 'til I'm restin' in peace
Ghostface is right up there, undoubtably as nice as anyone on a mic but his tracks can range from the masterful to the ridiculous
I have to agree Lupe is one of the best out there in the main stream.. though not a King of Hip Hop. I still think Eminem and Jay Z are still better than everyone out there in the mainstream.
I have to agree Lupe is one of the best out there in the main stream.. though not a King of Hip Hop. I still think Eminem and Jay Z are still better than everyone out there in the mainstream.

I thought Vidic was the king of hip-hop?:confused:
What? :eek:

How is Lupe Fiasco not the dopest 'mainstream' lyricist out there? Feck is you nuts huh? You must have the IQ of a first grader not to appreciate Lu's music and the intelligence behind it

:lol: at those lyrics! (although they're not going show up in the quote)
Yeah I'd go for Ghostface as well. Class MC and has probably been the most consistent this last two decades.

Can flow fast and slow, simple or complex, he's sensitive one minute and a balls out headcase the next. He's ace, probably the only wu member who's consistantly hit the heights of their early work.

Nas and jay z on their day are comparable but no one else mentioned in this thread is IMO
I have to agree Lupe is one of the best out there in the main stream.. though not a King of Hip Hop. I still think Eminem and Jay Z are still better than everyone out there in the mainstream.

I wouldn't argue with Jay being up there but not with Eminem, horrendously overrated imo.