Kevin Smith

I hate him despite liking both Clerks movies. Mainly because he's a fat kunt(yes with a K), but also because he made Pineapple Express which may be the first completely unwatchable movie i've ever had the misfortune to come across.
I hate him despite liking both Clerks movies. Mainly because he's a fat kunt(yes with a K), but also because he made Pineapple Express which may be the first completely unwatchable movie i've ever had the misfortune to come across.

That's a Judd apatow film. Kevin smith had nothing to do with it.
I hate him despite liking both Clerks movies. Mainly because he's a fat kunt(yes with a K), but also because he made Pineapple Express which may be the first completely unwatchable movie i've ever had the misfortune to come across.

I don't think so.

Anyway, about half his stuff is good, the other utter rubbish. I mean, he might not have done Pineapple Express, but he did do fecking Jersey Girl.
I don't hate him, he seems like a really cool guy really, the "evening with" stuff he does is terrific and not many directors keep in tune with their fanbase like he does which is always awesome to see from people in the industry, and he never comes across as a douche really. Nothing to truly hate about him, him getting thrown off a plane last year for being too fat was hysterical though.

His films are completely hit and miss though. But I have to say other than his last two which are both completely garbage, I mostly enjoy them, Dogma probably being my favourite.
Used to be a big fan of his but he hasn't managed to live up to his early output which is understandable to be honest.

I am still a big fan of Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy and Dogma - the rest not so much.
Pretty much watched all of his films apart from Jersey Girl in the last month and I'd say he's definitely more on the hit side for me. Mallrats, Clerks I/II and Dogma are the definite highlights and I love Jay and silent Bob Strike Back. Cop Out was sadly crap and Chasing Amy ruined by that gormless bum nugget Ben Affleck.
Jersey Girl was terrible - I've never even heard of Cop Out - I assume it is recent? Not seen that porno one either

I do like Jay&Silent Bob Strike Back as well - although it is definitely one just for fans of the early films
Jersey Girl was terrible - I've never even heard of Cop Out - I assume it is recent? Not seen that porno one either

I do like Jay&Silent Bob Strike Back as well - although it is definitely one just for fans of the early films

Yeah I've avoided it because of the reviews. Cop Out is the one with Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan released this year and although the two had good charisma the plot was weak and it never clicked for me, not sure what the reviews were like.

Strike Back is the only film I've found Will Ferrell funny in so it must be good.
Why did you avoid Jersey Girl for bad reviews and not Cop Out which got horrendous feedback both his fans and critics -_-
Love him

Hasn't made a decent film in ages but Smodcast is awesome
I like the guy, he is a genuine film fan. I have a lot of respect for Clerks as a film and the way it was made but the rest of his films, that I have seen, have either been average or poor.
He's making one more after red state - about ice hockey , cant remember what its called. Then he's hanging his camera up . :(