Kevin Keegan's Private Life


Survivor of the London blitz
Sep 23, 2003
Has anybody heard any unsavoury gossip about KK. I have it on good authority that a red top Sunday newspaper has a very heavy dossier on him, and are just tidying up all the loose ends before publishing.
I couldn't give a flying fcuk about Keegan's private life, or Beckham, Sven whoever. Why people actually read it is beyond me and anything in the Sunday papers is to be treated with suspicion. I wouldn't even trust them to get the footie scores right.
He does manage a MASSIVE club, I can confirm, don't know about that Seaman lad though.
I hope it is not true, obviously for the health and welfare of anybody who may have been involved with those kind of people and because I admire Kevin Keegan so much. The man has integrity in his professional life and I would be saddened if it turned out to be true, and if his resignation from England was more about those kind of accusations.

I really hope Kevin Keegan is the man I think he is. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
This was along the lines of what I was told.

But I heard this back in 1998. I can't fathom why it would take so long for it to come out. I guess I'll keep watching the scuzzier papers and see what develops.

I hope she was wrong.
Time to dig this little gem up....

So, Keegan and a baseball bat.....
Just remember not to be defamatory, children.

The rules from 2004 weren't as strict as they are now, so if this gets nasty we'll shut it down quickly.
I actually can't remember there ever being anything printed alluding to anything criminal, but I did hear the rumours that followed the attack.

I heard a good one something along the lines of a local Journalist being told by Sir J. he wasn't welcome back at SJP again... there's more to it, but I'm not going any furth......
I'd also heard about these rumours, also from a mate who had a friend at one of the red tops.
Who cares?

We have some of the best journalism anywhere in the world in this country, and...we also have this. :(
I really want to hear these rumours though :(