Kenton of Norwich


People at work who watch Norwich play say that Kenton is an excellent defender who will make it big some day.Plays right-back aswell as center-half.
Should we jump in now and get him cheaper or hold on?
If he's good enough )never seen him play) then perhaps but when was the last time we bought a promising youngster (Diego excluded) ? ;)
The average age of our defence, larry excluded, is pretty good. Its the one area where we're not really struggling
Originally posted by Neil Thomson:
<strong>He's no good in LMA Manager ;) </strong><hr></blockquote>

But Kavhihasvili from Tblisi is a great prospect! Let's go for him! :p
Originally posted by Norwegian Red:

But Kavhihasvili from Tblisi is a great prospect! Let's go for him! :p </strong><hr></blockquote>
Our old boy Mulryne is their best player on it. :D