Is it just me or is she as boring as watching paint dry???? I feel like jabbing myself in the eye with a rusty spoon just to make sure i haven't fallen into a premature comatosed state. Saw her new album being advertised on telly earlier and i actually felt my life slipping away and my brain telling my body to stop pumping blood.
fecking hell love cheer up and try not to put everyone into a vegetative state.
Her album should come with a warning not to listen to while operating heavy machinery, driving or if you are in a remotely good mood as that smile on your face will disappear very quickly.
fecking hell love cheer up and try not to put everyone into a vegetative state.
Her album should come with a warning not to listen to while operating heavy machinery, driving or if you are in a remotely good mood as that smile on your face will disappear very quickly.