Katie Melua


I exist
Nov 18, 2003
Is it just me or is she as boring as watching paint dry???? I feel like jabbing myself in the eye with a rusty spoon just to make sure i haven't fallen into a premature comatosed state. Saw her new album being advertised on telly earlier and i actually felt my life slipping away and my brain telling my body to stop pumping blood.

fecking hell love cheer up and try not to put everyone into a vegetative state.

Her album should come with a warning not to listen to while operating heavy machinery, driving or if you are in a remotely good mood as that smile on your face will disappear very quickly.

Ermm, looks cute... Her music? I havent heard her yet
Did anyone mention that she has nice eyes?
She's seriously good lookin

music is tripe though

heard a rumour she drinks from the furry cup, probably bollox though
She is fooookin hot. I think her music is ok, not my cup of tea, but a lot better than other hot females are doing. I think her voice is lovely.
My doctor's surgery had her music piped into the waiting area yesterday. Was there waiting to pick up the wife after her check-up, and had to listen to this middle-of-road pap for nearly twenty minutes. I felt like making an appointment myself to see if I had suicidal tendancies!

Pretty girl though - which probably goes a long way to explaining her success.

Ohh - and nice eyes, by the way.
The only way those eyes could be improved, is by coating them with my stinkin salty love yogurt
The only way those eyes could be improved, is by coating them with my stinkin salty love yogurt

It's funny, but you don't see that being sold in many supermarkets! Love to hear the condescending woman's voice of M&S advertise THAT!

"This isn't just yoghurt, this is M&S stinkin salty love yogurt"!