Don't listen to much of Kanye West. Now that he has a song with Chris Martin, i doubt i would listen to one again. I wish Chris Martin would just write poetry and stay in Oxford dammit.
I was hoping Chris Martin had crawled under a rock somewhere to hide away from music. Shame as I could have rolled the rock on his fecking head, him and his wife
What is it that Chris Martin bring to this song that an unknown up and coming singer couldn't?
Answers on the back of a postcard to:
We're two celebrities making a song so you're going to buy it whether it's shit or not and it is shit but you're still going to buy it for the reasons I gave you earlier but if you don't understand those reasons that I gave you earlier it's because your weak and gullible which in itself guarantees that you're going to buy the CD anyway so I am really wasting my time explaining this to you.
PO Box blah blah Whateverthefeck...............cause you're going to by it anyway.