Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days

Lance Uppercut

The demo has been up for a few days now, have any of you tried it?

I have played through it a couple of times now. It's a third person shooter with a cover system. The first time through I wasn't overly fussed, it was amusing, but the camera style was quite off putting. Think Blair Witch/Cloverfield.

Just played through it again, and it is definitely growing on me. It reminds me of the bank heist scene in the movie Heat. Action packed and ultra violent.

I will definitely be keeping an eye on the reviews for this one.
Played the demo, it was alright. Won't be buying though.
The first game was terrible, this is an improvement but not enough to warrant buying it, atleast not until the price goes down alot.
The first game was terrible, this is an improvement but not enough to warrant buying it, atleast not until the price goes down alot.
Does the first game feature the same camera style? I've never actually played it. I know the reviews weren't great.
More or less the same, but the graphics are vastly improved for this one.
The UK Official Xbox Magazine has published its Kane & Lynch 2 review - and given the sequel a seductive 9/10.

The mag's whopping six-page review, which indicates that the sequel is a huge step up from the first Kane & Lynch, kicks off by praising Dog Days' audio.

The game comes without a musical score, which means 'an ungodly amount of time and effort has been spent solely on the ambient noises of Shanghai', says OXM.

So impressed is OXM with the title's sounds, it says the audio "surpasses even Dead Space in its craftsmanship". Praise indeed.

"Yeah, yeah," we hear you cry, "but how does it play?"

Very nicely, as it turns out. OXM's Kane & Lynch 2 review reads: 'The no-expense-spared attitude to audio is found in everything, from voice acting to writing, to visuals, to the shooting, to the level design, to the multiplayer to the beautiful main menu.'

The story is praised for not 'force-feeding you plot', but comes with a warning that there's 'some genuinely disturbing stuff in Dog Days'. Not for the kids, then.

It plays 'faster than Gears Of War' - and that's not the last comparison to Epic's series. OXM calls Kane & Lynch 2 a game 'with less room for thought than Gears, but one containing more moments of rigid panic'.

Co-op is solid and - unlike the first game - is playable over Xbox Live, something OXM calls 'massively important'.

The mag knocks off that magic point because of the final third which it says veers into the 'ridiculous', and there are some gripes about 'slippiness in the way that characters animate and attach themselves to cover'

Overall, though, the 'stunningly detailed levels', 'great shooting' and 'gorgeous audio' are more than enough to make Kane & Lynch 2 a bit special.

The full six-page review is in OXM issue 63, which is with subscibers now and out in shops this week. Buy your copy of OXM and have it delivered to your door.

Encouraging. A few more like that and I'll buy this.
^ Official Xbox Magazine. You do realise that all 'official' console magazines have the reviewing skills of a toddler?

Besides with any Kane and Lynch game, I would take the reviews with a pinch of salt considering what happened with the Jeff Gerstmann fiasco at GameSpot, and they were supposed to be one of the better reviewers on the net.
first one was a disaster
I tried the demo - seemed ok, nothing really special. The first game was shit - awkward controls and very poor dynamics. You could shoot someone in the head and they wouldn't die then the very next shot which misses by inches kills them. Utter shite

The demo, to me at least, seems to have improved both graphically and also ironed that glaring problem out but the controls are still very awkward.
^ Official Xbox Magazine. You do realise that all 'official' console magazines have the reviewing skills of a toddler?

Besides with any Kane and Lynch game, I would take the reviews with a pinch of salt considering what happened with the Jeff Gerstmann fiasco at GameSpot, and they were supposed to be one of the better reviewers on the net.
Yes. Which is why I stated "a few more like this." I tend to go by Metacritic.

I have no idea what "fiasco" you are referring to. But by all means.