Just bought a 360


Desperately wants a tagline under his name
Aug 5, 2006
Right think i might have been given a messed up controller with it not sure though. I bought 2 controllers. The first one works fine when you turn it on, the light flashes and it settles and 1. The second control the light just keeps on flashing. Broken?
you probably need to press the small white button on top of the controller (next to the LB button) press and hold that, and then press and hold the white button next to Memory Card 2 slot on the 360.
you probably need to press the small white button on top of the controller (next to the LB button) press and hold that, and then press and hold the white button next to Memory Card 2 slot on the 360.

You mate are a star! Cheers!!:D
Xbox 360's are 120 times better than PS3's. I did the math and everything.

Incidentally, back in the day, one of the most important bragging points about a console was how many bits it was (ie. the Mastersytem and NES were 8 bit, the PSone was 32 bit and the N64 was 64 bit). Does anyone know the bit rating of the current consoles? Or whatever.
Have another question. I heard if you play fake 360 games live, you can get banned. Any truth in this?
Xbox 360's are 120 times better than PS3's. I did the math and everything.

You mean that they are 120 times more likely to break?

Incidentally, back in the day, one of the most important bragging points about a console was how many bits it was (ie. the Mastersytem and NES were 8 bit, the PSone was 32 bit and the N64 was 64 bit). Does anyone know the bit rating of the current consoles? Or whatever.

Bit ratings per se are useless unless you actually know what it means in whatever context. You have internal register size, internal data handling size, data bus size, and address bus size. You can make an 8 bit processor that is more powerful than a 64 or whatever bit one,depending upon context.

How do you judge the performance of a car? On its CC on Horse Power? What would be the faster, a 10 ton car with 600bph or a 1 tone car with 200bph? We are not even going into aerodynamics or handling here....

But you did pick up on it! Then again, so did I on your comment.

Round and round we go.