Just a Little thing I was trying out......

Badge is abit distorted so I'm assuming it's not ment to be that size?
retirantmobs said:
Badge is abit distorted so I'm assuming it's not ment to be that size?

No, it's only about 60x100 pixels. A flash file in a web page or something like that.
Oldie said:
No, it's only about 60x100 pixels. A flash file in a web page or something like that.
Just realised your a full member with only 9 posts and joined this month. Your 1st few posts must of been brillaint ;)
retirantmobs said:
Just realised your a full member with only 9 posts and joined this month. Your 1st few posts must of been brillaint ;)

Or maybe he knows a mod? GB maybe?