Judging fans muppetry using google...

I'm always right

New Member
Dec 4, 2009
Mêlée Island
So come on tards, own up.... who has got "Sneijder Manchester United" to the top of the search list in google? I hadn't finished writing his name when this came up:


Barcelona's tards are just as bad


muppets all of you. :D
1) Google "transfer muppet"
2) Click the Urban Dictionary link
3) ????
4) Profit
And yeah, some weird swedes have been goggling the shit out his hair (or lack of).

That's what caught my eye too. 'Sneijder; hår'. I live in Sweden too, and although I've seen my fair share of horrible hair here, I'd never guess he was the Swedish hair guru. The more you know...

So how should we translate 'stekare'? 'Horrible tosser who fancies himself, and who's neither half as clever nor half as affluent as he imagines himself to be'? I'm sure you (or our Swedish Caftards) can do better! :D

They are NOT my searches, they are googles top searches.

And yeah, some weird swedes have been goggling the shit out his hair (or lack of).

Top google searches in Sweden. You're Swedish. I can put two and two together.
So how should we translate 'stekare'? 'Horrible tosser who fancies himself, and who's neither half as clever nor half as affluent as he imagines himself to be'? I'm sure you (or our Swedish Caftards) can do better! :D

That was a pretty good summing up, you also missed out the part about him looking like a cock too, even if he's decent looking he fecks it up by dressing and styling his hair like a total twat.

A picture is worth a thousand words...


These are the girls I'm saving :)
he fecks it up by dressing and styling his hair like a total twat
Hence 'Sneijder; hår' being so high among the Google searches? The classic stekare look is more vintage Beckham or wannabe Gordon Gekko (from the film 'Wall Street') as per your photo though. Maybe those losing their hair is going for 'a Sneijder'?
Which is still strange, because he's sporting the most nondescript hairstyle this side of Scholes.


1 wes sneijder twitter
2 wes sneijder hair :lol:

and I made a quick search for Park too


he's gone :(
If you're not Swedish then why's all your Google page in Swedish?
Because he's living in Sweden and is being redirected to the inferior, Swedish-results-weighted google.se? It's very easy to set the default as google.com though, even with a Swedish IP.

'Wesley Sneijder; capelli' even in Italy! :lol:
After a quick search it seems he's had a hair transplant, just like Rooney. How boring. I would prefer to believe he was a Hairstyle God in Sweden and Italy.

ETA: This seems like a good place to whinge about Google trying to guess what one is searching for. I actually have to look away from the screen, it's that irritating. As an example, the other day I was searching for Spånor because I couldn't remember the authors name (it's Juhani Aho -- cheers, Google!), and Google kept going like a manic Father Furlong "Spano? Joe Spano? From Hill Street blues? Do you remember him? Spano?" Yes, I remember him, Google.